Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are an integral component of the day-to-day operations at Marian.
With a wide variety of education and work experience that complements the various service positions, our Volunteers share a common goal: a desire to be of service to Marian's patients, guests and staff.
Our volunteers work in a variety of service areas. In fact, we currently have more than 40! Some of these areas are:
- Hospitality and reception services
- Patient and family escorts
- Patient care support services
- Gift shop
- Hospice
- Extended Care Center
- Spiritual Care
- Mission Hope Cancer Center
- Emergency Department
- Pet Therapy
- Children's Center
Adult Volunteer Program
The Adult Volunteer Program is for adults and/or students who are over 18 years old. New adult volunteers start service every month.
To become a volunteer, please complete this form.
Volunteen Program
The Volunteen Program at Marian Regional Medical Center provides a chance for students to serve and to learn more about working in a health care setting. Current high school students or those who are at least 15 years old are invited to apply. For the Summer Programs, we also accept incoming freshmen. The Summer Volunteen Program runs from June to August, and the School Year Program runs from September through May.
Only COMPLETE applications are accepted. This includes all necessary immunization records. Volunteering positions are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so please turn in your application early. Applications are submitted to the Volunteer Services Office at the hospital.
To become a volunteer, please complete this form.
Family Caregiver Support Program
Dignity Health has developed a Family Caregiver Program that supports caregivers in our community. We have identified a specific need for respite volunteers for those family members providing care to loved ones who have Alzheimer’s or other Dementia related illnesses. We are looking for interested volunteers to join this meaningful effort. This volunteer program, through Dignity Health Hospice, will provide training and support needed for volunteers to work with this special population. You, as a volunteer, may be the only relief for that family member to get out to exercise, go to a movie, a doctor appointment or church. Our current service area is the Northern Santa Barbara County and will grow to San Luis Obispo County in the future. Training will include strategies and techniques of working with Alzheimer’s patients. Other volunteer criteria will be required such as a background check and orientation.
If you are interested in volunteering for this new program or for more information, please call Dignity Health Hospice at (805) 614-2061.
Learn More
For more information about becoming a volunteer, please contact Volunteer Services at (805) 739-3520.