Low Vision Center
The Low Vision Center, conveniently located within the grounds of the St. Mary Medical Center, offers services to the Southern California community by helping persons with limited vision obtain their fullest potential through the use of optical aids and achieve the greatest degree of independence possible regardless of the extent of their visual loss.
Who is Eligible?
Any individual who receives a written referral from a licensed eye care practitioner may make an appointment to be seen by a Low Vision Center Optical Aids Counselor. A referral is not necessary to participate in Activities of Daily Living Courses or to purchase products within the Center’s Independent Living Aids store.
Optical Aids
After obtaining a written referral from a licensed eye care practitioner, you may schedule an appointment at the Low Vision Center. During the initial visit an Optical Aids Counselor will assist in selecting visual aids best suited to your individual needs. Emphasis is placed on helping individuals identify devices that will assist with everyday tasks such as reading, writing, watching television, sewing and handiwork. All optical and non-optical aids products issued are non-prescriptive. Follow-up visits are arranged as needed.
Activities of Daily Living
Independent Living Skills courses are offered on a regular basis to low vision individuals, their family and friends. Pre-registration is required. Courses may be access through the Low Vision Center Newsletter. To be placed on the Center's mailing list, please call (562) 491-9275.
Reading Devices
Electronic magnifying systems (such as electronic closed circuit televisions), are available to enlarge printed material up to 60 times its original size. An appointment may be scheduled to receive a demonstration and acquire further information on this specialized equipment.
Low Vision Staff As Community Speakers
The professional and caring staff of the Low Vision Center is available to speak on a variety of topics related to low vision. Groups and organizations should contact the Low Vision Center for further information.
The Low Vision Center at St. Mary Medical Center is located on the second floor of the Parr Health Enhancement Center at 1055 Linden Avenue, directly across from the main hospital.
To schedule an appointment or to obtain further information about our services, please call (562) 491-9275. Or download the Low Vision Center brochure for complete details.