General Health Classes & Events
Mercy Gilbert offers classes and support groups for a variety of conditions, treatments and general wellness. For additional information, please call (480) 728-5414, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Orthopedic Joint Replacement Class
Do you have questions and concerns about your upcoming joint replacement surgery? Knowing what to expect before and after surgery will give you peace of mind and help you prepare in advance. In this FREE class a variety of speakers will review: pre-op procedures, introduce you to equipment to get you back on your feet, post-op exercises and go on tour of our orthopedic floor.
Stroke Survivor Support Group
Offers emotional and educational resources for stroke survivors, their family members and caregivers. Group members assist each other with emotional comfort, making difficult decisions and problem solving. Registration is required for first time attendees.
Meeting Location:
Chandler Regional Medical Center – Meets the second Thursday of the month from 2:30 to 4 p.m.
Stroke Caregiver Support Group
Caregivers play a prominent role throughout the post stroke recovery process. This group offer family members, caregivers and friends educational resources to handle the mental and physical stresses that may come with caring for someone who's suffered a stroke. Registration is required for first time attendees.
Meeting Location:
Mercy Gilbert Medical Center – Meets the fourth Thursday of the month from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.