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Helping improve the long-term health of our communities.

Community Benefit and Health Equity

At St. Joseph’s hospital and Medical Center, a key part of our mission is supporting the health of our communities in meaningful, measurable ways.

Community Benefit Reports

We work continuously to support the health of our community in meaningful and measurable ways.

Community Grants Program

  • Every Dignity Health hospital has conducted a community health assessment and has identified strategic priorities based on this assessment.
  • An objective of Dignity Health's Community Grants Program is to award grants to nonprofit organizations whose proposals respond to the Priorities identified in the health assessment and/or the community benefit plans of its hospitals.

Health Equity Alliance (HEA)

St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center invites you to join us in our effort to address health equity by participating in the Health Equity Alliance.

Healthier Living Program

Managing Chronic Conditions can be complex and sometimes frustrating. Let us help!

The Healthier Living Program has a focus on helping our communities gain practical skills to become better informed and more involved in their own care.


Spiritual Care Services

Chapel. Healing Garden. Meditation Room. 

The Spiritual Services Department provides support for patients, families and staff and helps them to identify and use their spiritual resources, regardless of whether an individual is affiliated with a particular faith.

Sponsorship Request Application

We receive many requests for financial sponsorships. While supportive in spirit of all approaches that encourage positive community improvements, we are limited in providing financial support to projects we view as most closely aligned with our core mission and values.