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Creighton School of Medicine

St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center is proud to invite the physicians of tomorrow to learn from the finest physicians today. With over 60 years of teaching students, we value your education.

Our Creighton University School of Medicine Regional Campus here at St. Joseph's provides 3rd and 4th year medical students the training they need to become successful physicians.

The affiliation expands educational opportunities available to Creighton medical students while allowing the University's School of Medicine to recruit more students. The collaboration is also designed to strengthen the medical reputations of both institutions, promote the sharing of faculty and administrative expertise, create collaborative research opportunities, and enhance medical services for Arizona patients.

As part of our affiliation, Creighton has established a fully operational campus at St. Joseph's that offers two full years of clinical training. Starting in July 2012, 42 third-year students moved to Phoenix for their final two years of training. As the third-year students progress to their fourth-year of medical school the Phoenix campus will get an additional 42 medical students for a total of 84 students on campus. The Phoenix campus will graduate its first students in 2014.

Academic Partnerships

While the Creighton University School of Medicine is St. Joseph's primary academic affiliation, St. Joseph's also provides fourth year electives and rotations with The University of Arizona College of Medicine and more than 20 other U.S. medical schools.

Learn More About Medical Student Education At St. Joseph's

To learn more about our comprehensive medical student education opportunities, call (602) 406-9900 or e-mail