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Meet The Research Administration Team

The research administration team at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center provides a broad spectrum of support and services to members of the hospital’s biomedical research community, including:

  • Assist investigators in managing and coordinating laboratory-based research and patient-based clinical studies.
  • Orchestrate programs designed to ensure the integrity and ethical conduct of research.
  • Interface with the legal team to ensure that all research programs are fully compliant with regulatory mandates.
  • Partner with others in the hospital to manage human, physical and financial resources.
  • Promote development of intellectual property. 
  • Facilitate philanthropic and public relations efforts.
  • Oversee academic efforts in biomedical education at secondary, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels.
  • Help to build relationships between St. Joseph’s and those it serves.

The research administration team has expertise in contracts and agreements central to the development and maintenance of productive and mutually beneficial collaborative partnerships, including national and international collaborations.

Research at St. Joseph's focuses on transforming fundamental advances and discoveries into improvements in healthcare. By providing a strong infrastructure for such activities, research administration staff also contribute to enhancing the healing benefit of research discoveries.

Research Administration Team

Deputy Chief Scientific Officer 
Robert Bowser, Ph.D.

Director, Research Administration
Sheri Sanders, MBA, BSN, RN

Integrity & Compliance Officer
Julie Barton MHA, BS

Manager, Pre-Clinical Research Operations 
Matthew Nelson, MBA

Operations Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs
Alana Ridge, MPH

Manager, Clinical Research Operations – East Valley 
Jennine Zumbuhl, RN, MSHA, CCRC, CRCP

Manager, Clinical Research Operations – BNI
Meghan Hall, MS CCRA, CCRP

Manager, Clinical Research Operations – Neurosurgery
Lisa Arnold, BS, CCRC

Manager, Clinical Research Operations - SJHMC
Lori Wood RN, MSN-L, CPHN

Manager, Grants Operations 
Sherri Howland, BS, MA