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Research at SJHMC

Our residency places a strong emphasis on excellence in research and equipping our residents with the necessary training to effectively critique the published literature and conduct their own practice-based clinical research following residency completion. Residents will conduct a longitudinal original research project throughout their residency under the support and guidance of experienced preceptors. More information about the SJHMC research program may be found below and within our 2024 PharmacyTimes publication Crafting a Recipe for Research Success in Pharmacy Residency Programs

SJHMC Resident Abstracts and Publications

At SJHMC, our residents have authored numerous peer-reviewed publications (see below) at a rate that far exceeds the national average (>40% since 2019). Additionally, our residents have been selected to present their research at national clinical meetings (ACCP, IDWeek, ISHLT, SCCM), have been awarded travel grants (IDWeek Trainee Award), and have been recognized at regional residency conferences (2022, 2023, and 2024 Best Residency Project winner - Southwestern States Residency Conference).


Research Frequently Asked Questions

What guidance and support do residents receive on their research projects? 

All research projects have at least one designated preceptor to help provide expert guidance, support, and navigate any issues that may arise throughout the year. A number of our preceptors have extensive experience with research and publishing and are dedicated to helping motivated residents achieve this goal the same.  A list of SJHMC preceptor publications may be viewed below.

Preceptor Publications

What is the PGY1 research selection process? Are residents assigned to a project?

In the spring prior to the start of the residency year, the Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) preceptors meet to discuss and vet potential research ideas that will provide value to SJHMC’s clinical practice. The preceptors then refine these projects to include primary objectives, secondary objectives, and data collection points. By the preceptors meeting in advance, it helps us run reports to get estimates on sample size and availability of data. Within the first few weeks of residency, preceptors meet with residents to review the list of vetted projects. In addition, the resident is welcome to bring their own research project ideas for refinement as well. Ultimately, the residents always choose which project they will complete their research on and it is not assigned. Many will choose to pursue a research project within a specialty interest (e.g. critical care, ID, transplant, cardiology).

What is the PGY2 research selection process? 

The critical care pharmacy residency program uses a “flipped” research model. At the beginning of the residency year, the incoming PGY2 resident will initiate data collection on an IRB-approved original research project developed by the outgoing PGY2 resident. This allows for project completion in the middle of the residency year and increased opportunities for potential abstract submission to national critical care meetings (e.g. SCCM). During the second half of the residency year, the PGY2 resident will design a new critical care research project of relevance to SJHMC’s patient population and submit a proposal for IRB approval.

I have not completed a research project before and am a bit intimidated by the process! Do residents receive training in research to support them through the experience?

Yes! In addition to the research support and mentorship provided by their project preceptor, all SJHMC residents participate in a monthly longitudinal Research Development Series which provides practical training and guidance throughout the residency year. 

Example Research Development Series topics:

  • Introduction to biostatistics and study design 
  • Developing a compelling research question
  • The “nuts and bolts” of research: IRB submission and data capture
  • Designing an eye-catching professional poster
  • Crafting a compelling manuscript
  • Demystifying the peer-review process

Concurrently, our residents also present their research progress at quarterly Resident Research Update meetings, which provides an opportunity for the residents to gain experience in presenting their research findings to a clinical audience, share any roadblocks they may be encountering with their project, and receive support and direction from the full RAC team.

Does SJHMC provide protected time for residents to work on their research?

Yes, all residents have a dedicated research month in December to allow additional time for data collection and analysis. However, residents are expected to use good time management skills to work on their research project throughout the residency year in order to meet all applicable deadlines and ensure sufficient progress is being made. 

What research presentation opportunities are available?

All SJHMC residents will present a poster presentation at ASHP Midyear. (We welcome any prospective residents to attend our residents’ poster session and see what they have been working on!) Residents will also present a research platform presentation at the Southwestern States Residency Conference. Additional presentation opportunities to SJHMC committees or specialist groups may be available depending on project topic. Residents are also encouraged to submit abstracts on their completed research to national clinical/specialist meetings.