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Trauma Survivors Network

The Trauma Survivors Network (TSN) is a community of patients and families like you who are looking to connect with one another and rebuild their lives after a serious injury. Joining this community can help ease the anxiety and frustration often experienced following a sudden injury and the resulting hospitalization. The American Trauma Society (ATS), in partnership with trauma centers like ours here at St. Joseph’s and around the country, is committed to supporting and growing the TSN by providing the programs and resources patients and families need to manage their recovery and improve their lives.

Becoming part of the TSN is easy to do – just visit the St. Joseph’s TSN Webpage ( The Website provides practical information on injuries and how they are treated and connects you with other survivors and families who understand the challenges you are facing. It also provides you with information about additional programs and services which may be available at your hospital.

Some of the benefits of joining the TSN include:

• Connecting with others in similar situations and sharing your experiences

• Learning about injuries from trauma experts

• Discovering how to meet the challenges of everyday life after injury

• Giving hope and inspiration to others

By learning more and connecting with others, you can make a difference in how you feel and better manage your life after injury. You are not alone! Becoming a member of the TSN is free. Please visit to join now.