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Comprehensive Treatment Options

For most conditions, the first line of treatment is medication. When medication is unable to manage symptoms, surgery is an option. Many procedures for ENT conditions can be done on an outpatient basis. Some of these surgeries performed at St. Joseph’s include:

Snoring and sleep apnea surgery 

A variety of surgical procedures are available tailored to each patient’s specific needs for help with snoring or sleep apnea. St. Joseph’s ENT is a specialist in the removal of tissue, if needed, through small incisions, minimizing recovery time and discomfort.

Endoscopic sinus surgery 

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive means of treating chronic sinus disease by operating on the sinuses through the nose using small scopes and instruments.

Nasal surgery 

For people who suffer from difficulty breathing through the nose, minimally invasive surgery is available without the need of nasal packing.

Turbinate reduction 

Turbinate reduction is an office procedure that allows one to breathe better through the nose and reduce allergy symptoms with minimal recovery time. Most patients can return to work that same day.

Balloon sinuplasty 

Balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive way of dilating the opening of the sinuses so they will drain better. This can offer relief for people who suffer from chronic sinusitis.

Thyroid surgery 

Thyroid surgery is available for those who need to remove a part or all of the thyroid gland. This can be done through a small incision and as an outpatient surgery.

Ear surgery (outpatient procedure) 

There are many types of surgeries available, for both adults and children:

Insertion of tubes in child’s eardrum to help with chronic ear infections.

  • Repair holes in the ear drum
  • Treat certain types of hearing loss
  • Treatment of chronic ear disease

Voice surgery 

Surgery is available to treat vocal cord nodules, paralyzed vocal chords and/or chronic hoarseness.

Diaphragmatic pacer 

A diagphragmatic pacer is an implantable device that allows a patient with a paralyzed diaphragm to breathe easier and live a more normal life.