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Quality, Compassion and Expert Care

St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center believes that
the childbirth experience is a very personal and special 
experience. We provide a family-centered approach 
while providing expert care in our Family Birth Center.

Family Birth Center

The Family Birth Center at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center supports the birth of your baby in comfortable surroundings with quality, compassion, and expert care. Our team of birthing center doctors, midwives, nurse practitioners and specially-trained labor and delivery nurses, postpartum care nurses, lactation consultants, and nutritionists will guide you every step of the way. We believe that childbirth is a very personal and special experience and we are honored to be a part of yours.

Labor, Delivery and Recovery

Family Birth Center rooms are designed for your comfort and care during labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum stay, with a dedicated area for high-risk deliveries. Each room features a multi-position birthing bed, private bathroom with a shower, and state-of-the-art fetal monitoring system among other equipment necessary to provide quality care for you and your baby. We have anesthesiologists available 24-hours a day, as well as a Level III Nursery Intensive Care Unit.

Birth Center Tour

Thinking of starting or adding to your family tree? We invite you to take a free Birthing Center tour, where you will view our spacious birthing accommodations, learn what to bring to the hospital and participate in a group question and answer session with a birthing center registered nurse. 

Nursery Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

St. Joseph’s NICU is a Level III certified Perinatal Center and Nursery Intensive Care Unity (NICU), offering the highest level of care and certification given by the Arizona Perinatal Trust. We care for newborn infants throughout the Southwest and serve as the first home for nearly 800 premature babies each year. 


Make your admission to the hospital much easier by pre-registering. This gives us time to gather important information about you before you arrive at the hospital and expedites your registration process. You can pre-register online, by mail, phone or at the hospital.

Parenting and Prenatal Education

St. Joseph’s Family Birth Center offers a variety of classes and support groups help educate and prepare expectant families for their new addition. Visit our classes and events section for a complete listing and registration details.

Docent Guides Program

Whether this is your first child or your fourth, it helps having someone guide you on your journey so you feel confident and prepared. That’s where Dignity Health’s Docent Guides come in! As a first-of-its-kind program in Arizona, our Docent Guides are here to serve as a helpful resource for you and your family.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you're having your first baby, or adding to your family, knowing what to expect can help.

We've put together a list of frequently asked questions to help provide answers as you embark on your new journey.

Breastfeeding Support

One of the most important choices a new parent makes is how to feed their newborn. At Dignity Health, our physicians, nurses and breastfeeding support specialists are here to help you make the best choice for you and your family. At St. Joseph’s Family Birth Center, we have International Board Certified Lactation consultants who offer lactation services and breastfeeding support services during your hospital stay.

Skin to Skin Bonding

St. Joseph’s supports skin-to-skin bonding as well as Kangaroo Care. We encourage mom and dad to bond with their newborn immediately after birth. The program establishes a warm, welcoming environment that fosters early closeness and connection for the new family.

Baby's First Photo

Dignity Health has partnered with Baby Bella Photography to capture your newborn's first moments. 

Obstetrics and Gynecology

At Dignity Health Medical Group St. Joseph’s Center for Women’s Health, we understand that women have unique health and wellness needs. Our physicians are skilled in every aspect of obstetrics and gynecology for women of all ages. Through our Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine at St. Joseph's, we care for high-risk pregnancies and supports patients who desire vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).

Umbilical Cord Donation Program

Thanks to a partnership between St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center and Arizona Public Cord Blood Program, expecting moms who deliver at St. Joseph’s has the option to donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood to the national registry where it could save the life of someone with a life-threatening disease who needs a stem cell transplant.

Welcoming Baby Home

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Delivering babies is our Specialty and at our Family Birth Center our practices are designed to help you achieve the best birth for the healthiest baby, and have the most satisfying experience. Your baby's need during the first few weeks are pretty basic: love, nutrition and rest.