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PET/CT & Nuclear Medicine At St. Joseph's

Positron emission tomography, also called PET/CT imaging or a PET scan, is a type of imaging that provides a look at a person's body by detecting changes on a cellular level. Prior to the test, an isotope is injected into the patient's bloodstream, allowing the PET equipment to scan 2-D images and create a 3-D image of the patient's body.

PET/CT scans are most often used to detect cancer and to examine the effects of cancer therapy. They are also commonly used to evaluate heart and brain function.

Nuclear Medicine

The expertise of the staff and physicians in the Nuclear Medicine department is unparalleled. The tests are administered by highly qualified technologists with extensive experience. The results are evaluated by a nuclear medicine specialists.

With this expertise and our up-to-date equipment, we are able to perform procedures not found elsewhere, and we are equipped to accept pediatric and cardiac patients. We are currently working toward accreditation by the American College of Radiology, which will add another layer of confidence in our department.

The PET/CT unit at St. Joseph's is a multi-slice PET/CT scanner with an external Integrated Laser Guidance System. Whole-body PET/CT imaging is advantageous for patient care and cost-effective patient management. The exam offers a comprehensive assessment for both initial staging of newly diagnosed diseases, as well as for treatment. The external Laser Guidance System allows us to exactly match the imaging with the Radiation Therapy Planning System, focusing on the target more precisely.

Specialized procedures in our department:

  • Nuclear Medicine/PET oncologic imaging:
    • Gallium-68 dotatate (PET/CT somatostatin receptor)
    • Imaging for neuroendocrine tumors
    • F-18 FDG PET/CT
    • Radioiodine thyroid cancer imaging
    • F-18 NaF PET/CT bone scans
    • Fluciclovine F-18 (Axumin) PET/CT imaging for prostate cancer 
  • Clinical nuclear neuroimaging:  
    • Perfusion brain SPECT
    • F18 FDG brain PET/CT
    • Beta-amyloid brain PET/CT
    • CSF leak studies and VP, VA and LP shunt patency evaluation 
  • Renal, lung, cardiac, parathyroid scans 
  • Radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism

Learn More About PET Scans And Nuclear Medicine At St. Joseph's

For more information or to make an appointment, please call (866) 764-0137.

Our fax number is 602.406.5188.