Brain Tumors
Barrow's team of brain tumor experts understand the anxiety a brain tumor diagnosis causes. That's why our team of brain tumor experts focuses on you as an individual to determine the best rehabilitation program to meet your specific needs.
Brain Tumor Rehabilitation
Because brain tumors can develop in parts of the brain that control motor skills, speech, vision, swallowing, and thinking, rehabilitation may be a necessary part of recovery.
Your doctor may refer you to services that can help, such as:
Physical therapy. Physical therapy can help you improve your functional abilities including balance, walking and your general mobility. They will also be able to help you regain lost motor skills and strength that may have been affected by your brain tumor.
Occupational therapy. Occupational therapy can help you get back to your normal daily activities, including self care and upper body strengthening after a brain tumor.
Speech therapy. Speech Language Pathologists can help you with difficulties in comprehension, speaking, memory function and swallowing abilities that may have been affected by your brain tumor.
Brain Tumor Rehab Care Process
Rehabilitation can occur in a variety of settings including:
Acute/Hospital – Your physician may recommend physical, occupational and / or speech therapy services to evaluate your functioning and make recommendations for additional services once discharged from the acute hospital.
Inpatient Acute Rehabilitation – Some people require more intensive therapy services prior to going home, and may be referred to inpatient acute rehabilitation.
Depending on the individual situation, some patients may be admitted for a short stay to train family members how to assist them in the home, and for equipment ordering. Others may stay for a longer period of time to improve neurological functioning in preparation for discharge.
Some of the factors used to determine the goals of your inpatient rehab program include diagnosis, prognosis and brain tumor treatment plan (i)e., radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, etc.
Outpatient Rehabilitation – Therapy services may continue in the outpatient setting to improve neurological function or reinforce family training.
Learn More About St. Joseph’s Rehab Programs
For more information about brain tumor rehabilitation at St. Joseph’s, call:
- Inpatient Neurorehabilitation Center: 602.406.REHAB (7)342
- Outpatient Rehabilitation Services: 602.406.3230