Spinal Cord Injury
St. Joseph’s is a leader in spinal cord injury rehabilitation in Arizona, offering inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, a Spinal Cord Injury Wellness Program and community events.
At St. Joseph’s, we are here to provide all therapy to restore function. We can address traumatic causes of spinal cord injury such as car accidents, motorcycle accidents, gunshot injuries, or diving accidents. We can also address non-traumatic causes of spinal injury such as hemorrhage, infection, inflammation, tumors, or congenital illnesses.
Inpatient Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Our Bruce and Deborah Downey Inpatient Neurorehabilitation Center provides intensive rehab by a team that includes therapists, nurses, social workers, discharge planners, rehab physicians, and neuropsychologists who work together to care for patients with spinal cord injuries.
Inpatient rehabilitation for spinal cord injury includes the following services:
- A case manager or social worker who acts as a liaison for patients and families
- Therapists with years of Spinal Cord Rehabilitation experience
- Treatment team meets weekly to coordinate the rehabilitation goals
- Close relationship with medical equipment vendors for discharge equipment planning
- Spinal cord injury education classes
- Use of the Barrow spinal cord injury library
- Access to assisted technology
- Recreational therapy integration including use of aquatic therapy and community reintegration
- Access to the Spinal Cord Injury Wellness Program
Spinal Cord Injury Wellness Program
The Barrow Spinal Cord Injury Wellness Program through Outpatient Rehabilitation Services offers comprehensive follow-up services to individuals with spinal cord injury and related disabilities. Our goal is to promote wellness through medical management and follow-up, prevention of secondary disability, support and education. The program includes:
- Adaptive equipment recommendations
- Assessment for home modifications
- Community living resources
- Driving/vehicle recommendations
- Exercise programs
- Functional assessments
- Home management skills training
- Leisure and recreation resources
- Management of secondary disabilities
- Mobility training
- Pain management
- Physiatry evaluation
- Seating and positioning evaluations
- Self-care assessment
- Sexuality and fertility resources
- Skin integrity management
- Spasticity management
Learn More About Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
To learn more about SCI rehab therapy, call:
- Inpatient Neurorehabilitation Center: 602.406.REHAB (7)342
- Outpatient Rehabilitation Services: (602) 406-3230