Stroke Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation is very important to recovery after a stroke. With the right type of skilled stroke rehabilitation, tasks such as eating, drinking, communicating with others, walking, and taking care of yourself can be greatly improved.
Our goal of stroke rehabilitation is to help survivors regain as much independence as possible.
Rehab Journey After A Stroke
The stroke rehab process at St. Joseph’s begins in the Emergency Department and continues through outpatient care. While you are hospitalized after your stroke, physical, occupational, and speech therapists may be requested by your physician to evaluate your abilities and prescribe treatment to begin addressing any problems.
If you require more intensive therapy after you are discharged from the hospital, you may be admitted to the Bruce and Deborah Downey Inpatient Neurorehabilitation Center for more intensive stroke rehab by a team that includes therapists, nurses, social workers, discharge planners, rehab physicians, and neuropsychologists who work together to progress your care.
Once you are ready to return home, you may need to continue your stroke rehab in Outpatient Rehabilitation at St. Joseph’s. Outpatient Rehabilitation offers many services for survivors of a stroke. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and social work services are all available, using a team approach that aides your transition back to work, home, school, and community activities. Outpatient neuropsychological testing is also available to assist with evaluating cognitive progress and making decisions regarding readiness to return to driving, work/school, and independent living.
Our team approach provides survivors of a stroke the opportunity to regain a significant amount of ability. Our primary goal is to increase independence and ability to function in the home and community.
Learn More About Stroke Rehab At St. Joseph’s
To learn how St. Joseph’s can help your recovery after a stroke, call:
- Inpatient Neurorehabilitation Center: 602.406.REHAB (7)342
- Outpatient Rehabilitation Services: 602.406.3230