Advanced Wound Care
The medical director of the Advanced Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine Center is Shishir Shah, DO, ABPM, CWS.
Coupling skilled surgical technique along with sound medical practice, our physicians are well trained and equipped in the practice of advanced wound care. Following an initial consultation, we work closely with your office to provide ongoing feedback as required to facilitate speedy closure of your patient’s referred condition. If required, we coordinate consultations with vascular, orthopedic, podiatric, and plastic and reconstructive surgery specialists.
Our hyperbaric oxygen therapy system complements the wound center by offering the capability to heal the most difficult wounds. Though we are able to heal most of our open wound cases in a timely manner utilizing only advanced wound care techniques, having immediate access to this powerful system on site gives our patients a substantial advantage for more recalcitrant cases. Moreover, it is an effective adjunct therapy for a broad range of clinical conditions. Most recently, HBOT has been shown to stimulate growth of new capillary bud formation by mobilizing bone marrow derived vasculogenic stem cells to the target area of tissue oxygenation. HBOT increases the body’s resistance and ability to combat infection – all central components to promoting timely and effective healing. HBOT is utilized for patients with various medical conditions. Some of these conditions include nonhealing diabetic ulcers and nonhealing chronic wounds, compromised skin grafts or flaps, radiation induced soft tissue injury, and osteomyelitis refractory to standard care.