YRMC Recognized for Electronic Medical Record Performance
by Community Outreach and Philanthropy, (928) 771-5686
(YAVAPAI - Dec. 2, 2013) – HIMSS Analytics (Health Information Management Systems Society) has announced that Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC) has achieved Stage 6 on their Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM).
HIMSS Analytics developed EMRAM in 2005 as a methodology for evaluating the progress and impact of electronic medical record systems (EMR) for hospitals in the HIMSS Analytics database. Tracking their progress in completing each stage, hospitals can review the implementation and utilization of information technology applications with the intent of reaching Stage 7, which represents an advanced electronic patient record environment.
As of October, 2013, only 12% of the more than 5,400 hospitals tracked by HIMSS Analytics have reached Stage 6. YRMC is one of only 643 hospitals that have achieved this level of performance.
“It’s really an honor for YRMC and our community to be recognized by one of the premier advocates of Healthcare Information Technology for our ongoing commitment to electronic medical records. This is an important milestone in our journey to meet performance criteria required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) relating to EMR use,” states Martin de Kort, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer for Yavapai Regional Medical Center.
YRMC has utilized EMR technology in different capacities for several years but made the commitment in 2012 to fully integrate over 55 solutions to create one of the most comprehensive EMR systems in the nation. Today, YRMC is one of a select group of hospitals who have replaced paper charting with faster, more reliable and safer electronic charting.
“Stage 6 recognition means that we have demonstrated an ability to use our EMR as a clinical decision tool to enhance patient care and to maintain the highest levels of safety for our patients,” said de Kort.
Stage 6 hospitals have achieved a significant advancement in their Information Technology capabilities that positions them to successfully address current healthcare transformations, such as meaningful use criteria in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, claims attachments for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, pay for performance, and government quality reporting programs.
“Our adoption of EMR technology is really a testament to the amazing team we have at YRMC,” states John Amos, YRMC President and CEO. “We have a great group of people who made the commitment to complete one of the largest EMR installations in the country. All of our clinical workflows were redesigned to support electronic charting and our medical staff adoption has set an example for others to follow. It’s an honor for me to work with this talented group of people.”
Publish date:
Monday, December 02, 2013