Community Programs
Serving our vibrant community is at the heart of our mission. We're proud to go beyond hospital walls to help improve the health of our community by offering programs to care for the mind, body, and spirit.
Community Health Department
St. Joseph's is working to build healthier communities through education, outreach services and support. We also welcome those who want to join our mission by applying for grants, spreading the word about our community classes and events, and volunteering to serve their community.
Health Education & Support
Check out our Classes & Events to view a listing of all of the various programs we offer to our community. If you are seeking a service or program that is not listed, please feel free to contact us at 209-467-6399 as we are happy to help connect you to resources.
Community Grants Program
Through our Community Grants Program we partner with other nonprofit organizations whose programs respond to priority health needs identified through the San Joaquin County Community Health Needs Assessment. Grant funds are used to provide services to underserved populations, specifically in priority neighborhoods as identified in the Community Health Needs Assessment. Organizations that receive grant funding are working collaboratively to address identified needs and to identify sustainable ways to continue to deliver impactful community services for the most vulnerable San Joaquin County residents.
St. Joseph’s has contributed over $4 million in grant funding to deserving organizations since the program began in 1990. To learn more about Dignity Health's Community Grants Program and apply for a grant, visit Community Grants and download the Hospital Grant Fact Sheet for St. Joseph’s Medical Center.
Community Health Advocate (CHA) in the ED
St. Joseph’s Medical Center is proud to have launched an innovative approach to enhance our person-centered care services in the Emergency Department. During standard business hours, the CHA conducts health related social needs screenings for all patients willing to engage, in an effort to help identify unmet social needs and refer to services that can support those needs. Several studies show how socioeconomic factors and health behaviors greatly impact an individual's health outcomes, so while our medical staff addresses our patients' clinical needs, the CHA will assist with identifying resources to help patients with their social needs, which are equally important to their overall health and well-being.
For More Information
To learn more about our Community Health Department, please call (209) 467-6399.