SJMC Annual Research Symposium
Completion of scholarly project(s) is a graduation requirement mandated by the ACGME for all programs. In order to conduct research, all investigators must complete ethics training, through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program).
Projects are set by the resident and agreed upon by the Research Mentor and approved by the Program & Research Directors. Residents must keep in mind scholarly project are a three-year process and are encouraged to complete tasks early and provide a buffer for unexpected events. Guidance will be provided by the mentors and Research Director.
The scholarly project is completed independent of shift responsibilities. When scheduling events related to scholarly projects, residents must adhere to the ACGME duty hour requirements. Residents are encouraged to seek assistance from their Research Mentor, the Research Director, Program Director or other faculty members and mentors as needed. Most programs require two scholarly projects completed for residency graduation.
Examples of deliverables for scholarly work:
- Publications: PubMed ID and copy of article
- Presentations/Posters/Abstracts: abstract accepted for presentation, poster accepted for presentation, letter stating the abstract/poster has been accepted for presentation
- QI Project: materials presented to committee and all applicable QI Forms
- Research Project: unpublished manuscript of publishable quality
Ownership of Intellectual Property
Data, programs and devices generated by research projects within SJMC residency programs and any analyses conducted on such data remains the property of St Joseph’s Medical Center/Dignity Health unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. The Principle Investigator (PI) is the steward of that data and takes responsibility for the collection, recording, storage, dissemination, retention, and disposal of data. No intellectual property should be submitted for presentation or publication without the expressed permission of the Research Director and/or the Research Oversight Committee.
The PI of a research project is the research project team leader and is responsible for the research project direction. The PI is the researcher responsible for the project, prepares the IRB proposal, and is responsible for the ethical conduct of the project and co-investigators. Residents who take on the responsibility of a PI must identify a faculty advisor. If there are three or more co-investigators, then an authorship agreement needs to be submitted to the Research Director, prior to the internal review of the manuscript, detailing the responsibilities of each co-investigator and the PI.
The Research Director will grant project credit to the resident(s) based on contribution on the project. Only upon successful completion of the internal review process and approval by the Research Director may the resident PI submit the manuscript for publication.