Message from the Program Director
Welcome to the Transitional Year Program at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton, California. Our program offers a uniquely customizable education to best suit your future within your professional interest and desired specialty. The program is sponsored by the Emergency Medicine Department, we recognized the need to offer a curriculum which incorporates flexibility with four elective rotations in the program. We offer strong clinical rotations, caring for a socio-economic diverse community, and an environment that supports you in reaching your career goals.
As program director, it is my privilege to train compassionate, well-rounded physicians and to prepare each resident for their career. To fulfill that goal, residents will rotate through various in-patient and out-patient clinical settings. Core rotations are offered in Emergency Medicine, In-patient medicine, Out-patient medicine, Critical Care medicine, and a Point of Care Ultrasound rotation which offers one-on-one training with a fellowship certified faculty. Additionally, the Transitional Year Program offers didactic instruction, simulation training, journal clubs, resident prepared case presentations, continued process improvement training, and lectures of topics specific to each resident’s educational interest. Residents also participate in a robust Quality Improvement and research curriculum culminating in an opportunity to present projects at the annual research symposium.
St Joseph's was founded on the day of the Winter solstice in 1899. The facility was founded by William B. O’Conner, a priest, under the direction of the Archbishop of San Francisco. From its humble start as a small hospital in San Joaquin County, it has grown to the leading regional medical center for a population of nearly one million and is the designated receiving center for STEMIs, ROSC, and strokes within our community. The hospital is currently licensed for 355 beds with a capacity to expand to over 500. Over 900 physicians are affiliated with the medical center and over 3,000 employees care for our patients.
St. Joseph’s has been recognized as one of America's 250 best hospitals and is ranked within the top 100 of teaching hospitals and for critical care. The hospital is also a Five-Star Recipient for coronary bypass surgical care, heart failure survival, stroke, sepsis, and pulmonary embolism.
The Transitional Year program at St. Joseph's Medical Center prides itself on the quality of care provided by each of our residents and how we prepare each resident for success prior to their matriculation into their specialty of choice.
If you are interested in more information, please email our coordinator at [email protected]
Gary Olds, MD
Transitional Year Program Director
- Message from the Program Director
- Competency Curriculum Goals and Objectives
- Core Competencies
- Salary and Benefits
- Didactics
- Wellness