St. Joseph's Medical Center provides on-campus parking for patients, employees, and visitors.
Underground Parking Lot
Patient and visitor parking is available in the underground parking garage on Maple Street is open from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. The cost for parking in the underground lot is $5 per vehicle, per day. Anyone with a Handicapped placard can access our parking lots at no charge. If you have a loved one staying in our hospital for an extended period of time and you have difficulty paying the daily parking fee, please let a member of our staff know so that we may assist you.
The Emergency Department parking lot on Maple Street is reserved only for patients seeking emergency medical assistance.
Patient Drop-Off and Pick-Up
The drop-off area for patients arriving at the hospital is located in the underground parking garage. Vehicles cannot park in the "drop-off" zone and must move to a designated parking spot after the patient exits the vehicle. The pick-up area for patients leaving the hospital is located on the Southeast corner of McCloud and California Streets. Hospital personnel will escort the patient to the patient pick-up zone. (Patients discharged between 6-9 p.m. may be picked up in the patient drop-off area in the underground parking garage.)
Public Safety
St. Joseph's Medical Center has a 24-hour a day Public Safety department. If you would like an escort from the hospital to your vehicle or if you have any other security need or concern, call the hospital operator by dialing "O" on any hospital phone and ask for security. If it is an emergency, dial 4-4-4 and the hospital operator will pick up immediately.