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Caring for the Whole Person

We are committed to adding living back to your life.

Behavioral Health Center

We believe in understanding and caring for the whole person. With over twenty-five years of experience in behavioral health, our physicians and licensed professionals specialize in adding more life to your years.

Comprehensive Mental Health Services

St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center provides comprehensive behavioral health services for psychiatric and chemical dependency disorders, including day treatment programs, and outpatient services. The staff of specially trained professionals are committed to providing compassionate, quality care, and creating an atmosphere that fosters communication, trust, and personal growth. Each patient receives an individualized treatment plan to restore function and enhance life skills.

Behavioral evaluations are provided as a community service, free of charge. The screening evaluation is provided to identify needs and make appropriate referrals. For non-emergency behavioral evaluations, we accept appointments Monday-Friday, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (All medical and psychiatric emergencies should go to the nearest hospital emergency department.)

Inpatient services for adults 18 years and older include intensive treatment unit; cognitive behavioral unit; medical detoxification; and a specialized older adult (geropsychiatry) unit. All patients receive an internal medicine consultation and ongoing management of coexisting medical problems.

Outpatient services include day treatment (partial hospitalization) for mental health, chemical dependency and dual diagnosis; intensive outpatient services both daytime and evenings for chemical dependency; and individual and group therapy for ages five years and above.

Find Out More

Call St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center at (209) 948-2100 or (800) 559-0558 or visit for more information or to make an appointment.