Brain Cancer
Brain cancer is a disease of the brain in which malignant cancer cells arise and grow to form a tumor. There are many types of brain tumors. Primary tumors begin in the brain and secondary or metastatic tumors are from cancer in other parts of the body that has spread. Diagnosis and treatment options are dependent on the type, size and location of the tumor. Some require no treatment, only watchful waiting. Others require an aggressive treatment plan.
Advanced Cancer Therapy
Dignity Health is among the first to use the industry-leading Varian EDGE™ Radiosurgery Suite, an integrated system that delivers speed, precision, and streamlined treatment planning. Ultimately, it enables treatment of brain cancers that were previously untreatable.
There are many advantages to this form of radiation therapy, including:
- Leveraging the highest dose rate in the industry, Edge radiosurgery treatments maximize the amount of radiation while reducing the amount of time patients spend being treated.
- Direct target localization minimizes the dose received by surrounding healthy tissues.
- Advanced automation helps clinicians guide and maintain the accuracy of treatment delivery by continually tracking patient movements and adapting treatments as the target moves.