Designed for safety and comfort
We want your birth experience to be as comfortable as possible. Your pain will be monitored closely and options for pain control will be available to you. For mothers-to-be that are planning to have an epidural, there is an anesthesiologist in-house—not just on call—24-hours a day who can respond quickly when it’s time.
Our team has the training and technical resources to respond to unexpected or special needs. Surgical suites designed for complicated deliveries and cesarean sections are located very close to our birth centers. These allow you and your physician the comfort of knowing they can be accessed immediately if a cesarean section should become necessary.
24/7 in-house OB physician
Obstetrical (OB) physicians are onsite 24/7 to manage emergencies and consult with a physician on your behalf in your absence. We also care for mothers-to-be who have no chosen obstetrician.
Regardless of delivery method (vaginal or C-section), if your baby is healthy, you'll be provided with one hour of uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact and bonding time with your newborn in our hospitals.
Learn more about the Lauren Small Children's Center
Lauren's Story
The Lauren Small Children's center is named after Lauren Paige Small, a Bakersfield girl who inspired the community through her brave two-year battle with cancer.