Did you know: Marian Regional Medical Center offers free valet parking
Don’t worry about finding a parking spot when visiting Marian
There can be a lot running through your mind when visiting the hospital.
Marian Regional Medical Center has made it so there’s one less thing to worry about. Marian is proud to offer its 100% free valet parking service to patients and visitors.
The valet assisted parking service at Marian Regional Medical Center is available seven days a week from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. This service is reserved for hospital patients and visitors and those coming to the Family Medicine Center.
The valet parking program is a no charge, no tip service paid for by Marian Regional Medical Center to benefit its visitors.
“We recognize the stress of parking and would like our community to take advantage of our first class valet assisted parking service located at the hospital’s main entrance next to the Emergency Room,” said Tom Lepetri, director of Security, Parking and Telecommunications.
The ticketless service is incredibly convenient.
Located at the hospital’s main entrance along Palisade Drive, the completely free service allows patrons to communicate to the valet team directly from their cell phone. When ready to depart a loved one’s room, visitors can notify the team via a link provided and the team will have the vehicle out front ready when exiting the building.
Ticketed service is also available upon request.
To learn more about Marian Regional Medical Center, visit https://www.dignityhealth.org/central-coast/locations/marianregional