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Cancer Support and Programs

We offer a number of support groups and other programs for those with cancer as well as their loved ones. Registration is required for all support groups and classes. See descriptions for details and location.

Location Key for In-Person Options

  • HCRC - Hearst Cancer Resource Center, 1941 Johnson Avenue, Suite 201, SLO
  • MHW - Marian Health & Wellness Center, 1207 East Main Street, Santa Maria
  • MHCC-SM - Mission Hope Cancer Center, 1325 East Church Street, Santa Maria
  • MHCC-AG - Mission Hope Cancer Center, 850 Fair Oaks Avenue, Arroyo Grande


Helping individuals and families cope with diagnosis and treatment of Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma and Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). This group alternates in-person (January, March, May, July, September, November) and Zoom (February, April, June, August, October, December).

Hearst Cancer Resource Center, In-person and Zoom

2nd Wednesday; 1PM

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

A support group focusing on breast cancer, the journey and sharing valuable information and resources.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center, in-person

3rd Tuesday; 5:45PM

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom)

Tuesdays (except 3rd); 5:45PM

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

Our newest breast cancer support group addresses the unique challenges young women face. We provide resources, support and education.

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria

Last Wednesday of the month; 5:30PM

RSVP required; call 805-346-3405

For newly diagnosed patients or recently out of treatment, we are here to offer support and help patients gain a sense of family with others in a similar part of their journey.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center

2nd Tuesday; 1–2:30PM

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom)

4th Tuesday; 1–2:30PM

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

Get together with those who understand their concerns, share helpful strategies and lend support.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center

Call 805-542-6234 for support

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria

3rd Wednesday; 1PM

Call 805-219-4673 to RSVP

(Spanish Support Group)

Si usted o alguien de su familia sufre de cáncer, acompáñenos para discutir temas de como combatir y sobrevivir la enfermedad.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom)

El segundo martes de cada mes;


Llame a Teresa al 805-458-4526

Gynecologic Cancer Support Group

Individuals with gynecologic cancers share experiences and establish a support system.

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria (Zoom)

2nd Tuesday; 4:30 PM

Call 805-346-3441 to register

A safe haven for patients to find comfort and support in navigating an advanced or metastatic cancer. Learn to make informed choices, implement important life changes, develop new attitudes, and forge meaningful personal connections.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom)

1st and 3rd Thursday; 3PM

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

This group is specifically designed for the unique needs of metastatic cancer patients.

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria

3rd Wednesday; 1PM

Option for zoom or in-person; call 805-346-3405 to RSVP

1st and 3rd Tuesdays; 4PM

Please call 805-346-3402 to register

Led by Dietitian Ruth Farrell, MPH, RDN, and John Malinowski, ACSM-CET, Cancer Exercise Trainer

Tuesday, July 9, 2 to 3 p.m.
Building for Healthy Bones
Bone health is the foundation for overall health. Learn how you can support your bones through healthy lifestyle choices.

Tuesday, August 13, 2 to 3 p.m.
Beat the Heat
Feeling dehydrated? We will discuss the ways dehydration can negatively affect the body and practical steps you can take to prevent it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2 to 3 p.m.
Back to Basics: Nutrition and Exercise for Cancer Survivorship
We uncover the most important habits to implement when it comes to cancer prevention.

Mission Hope Cancer Center, Conference Room
1325 East Church Street, Santa Maria 

The class seating is limited; please register at 805.219.HOPE (4673).


Acupuncture is a popular treatment for health complaints, including anxiety, pain and insomnia. 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center

3rd Monday; 2:30PM 

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP 

Exercising in water reduces the impact on joints by 50%. Benefits include joint flexibility and less pain. 

Allan Hancock College (Santa Maria) 

1st and 3rd Friday

RSVP and assessment required; please call John Malinowski at 805-346-3413 (SM) or 805-474-5334 (AG)

Art workshops employing a variety of techniques to help boost creative expression. Materials provided. 

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria and Arroyo Grande

RSVP SM: 805-219-4673 AG: 805-474-5334

Visit our appearance center to regain a renewed sense of self and confidence. Learn skin care tips, the art of applying make-up. Free hats and wigs. 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center

Call 805-542-6234 to register 

A 12-week program which includes group strengthening and aquatic exercise. Each participant meets one-on-one with our Certified Exercise Trainer to develop your personal fitness goals which are tailored to your specific needs and abilities for an individualized program.

Marian Health & Wellness Center and Mission Hope Cancer Center-AG

Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-346-3413 (Santa Maria) or 805-474-5334 (Arroyo Grande)

A supervised 10-week exercise program for first year survivors and those within two years post treatment. Physician medical release required. 

Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa 

Call 805-595-7600 x122 

Paso Robles Sports Club 

Call Kathy at 805-610-6486

Circuit training is a form of exercise that involves both aerobic and anaerobic exercises done in a circuit, one exercise after another which targets strength building and muscular endurance. A typical class will consist of 6-10 different exercises done three or more times per workout. The intensity level will be modified to fit your needs.

Marian Health & Wellness Center

Wednesdays (except holidays)

Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-346-3413

Certified practitioners help promote relaxation, decrease stress and enhance well-being. 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center

2nd Monday; 11AM 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom) 

4th Monday; 11AM 

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

Participants gain the knowledge to reduce the risk of falls in addition to conditioning the muscles to battle muscle fatigue and gain strength.

Marian Health & Wellness Center


Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-346-3413

Mission Hope Cancer Center-AG


Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-474-5334

An exciting class which combines nutrition advice with practical exercise tips. 

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria 

2nd Tuesday; 2PM

Call 805-219-4673 to RSVP

In this class we perform static stretching which means we gently move our body through a range of motion that causes a slight pull on the intended muscle group we are targeting—no pain involved.

Mission Hope Cancer Center-AG


Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-474-5334

Experience a gentle guided meditation session. 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom) 

1st Wednesday; 5PM 

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

Explore ideas using colorful pictures, meaningful words and phrases that appeal to you in a personal way. 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center

3rd Friday; 2–4PM 

Call 805-542-6234 to register

Free workshops to help patients mitigate the appearance-related issues of cancer treatments. Topics include skincare and makeup (cosmetic kit included) and wigs/ head coverings. Includes wardrobe tips to manage concerns such as infusion ports, mastectomy and reconstruction and more.

Virtual/Zoom Meeting

For more information, please call 805-219-4673



Favor de llamar para una cita a 805-346-3410

Systematic exercise can play a major role in avoiding the onset of lymphedema. This therapeutic exercise class is designed for breast cancer survivors and those battling chronic conditions.

Marian Health & Wellness Center

Tuesdays (except holidays)

Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-346-3413

Mission Hope Cancer Center-AG

Mondays (except holidays)

Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-474-5334

Join Joey to learn how to create beats and computer generated music. Open to teens affected personally by cancer themselves or in their family. 

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom) 

1st Wednesday; 4:15PM 

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP 

There are ways to reduce or manage the side effects of prostate cancer. This class benefits men with issues such as urinary or fecal incontinence, weak core muscles and/or general deconditioning.

Marian Health & Wellness Center, SM

2nd Friday

Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-346-3413

Involves repetitive, flowing movements coordinated with deep- breathing which increase energy and improves health, balance, flexibility and stamina.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center  (outside)


Please call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

This exercise uses slow, rhythmic movements which helps to promote circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, as well as improve energy, balance and flexibility.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (hosted offsite)


Please call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

TRX is a form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously.

Mission Hope Cancer Center-AG


Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-474-5334

Friends and caregivers at all experience levels are welcome to join. Instructions, needles and yarn are provided.

Mission Hope Cancer Center - Santa Maria 

Mondays (except holidays); 2:00 PM

Please call 805-219-4673 to register

Gentle yoga is practiced to reduce stress, restore health, and move the body in the direction of balance.These classes feature slower paced movements focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility. No experience required; please bring a yoga mat.

Hearst Cancer Resource Center (Zoom)

3rd Thursday; 4PM

Call 805-542-6234 to RSVP

Marian Health & Wellness Center


Reservation and assessment required, please call 805-346-3413

Mission Hope Cancer Center-AG


Reservation and assessment required; please call 805-474-5334

This course is filled with discovering, writing, and sharing your own remarkable life stories as well as reflecting on why your story matters. No writing experience is necessary. 

Mission Hope Cancer Center - SM

1st and 3rd Thursday; 3PM 

Reservations required; please call 805-219-4673