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Sponsorship Request Application

Dignity Health St. John's hospitals embrace the important role we play within the community. We are committed to supporting positive community initiatives, organizations, and programs that improve the health and well-being of all citizens we serve.

We receive many requests for financial sponsorships. While supportive in the spirit of all approaches that encourage positive community improvements, we are limited in providing financial support to projects we view as most closely aligned with our core mission and values.

We are dedicated to furthering the principles of our healing ministry by funding programs that serve the poor and needy, that seek to enhance health and wellness, and those that champion education.

We Support
     • Health and wellness initiatives
     • Programs serving the poor and disenfranchised
     • Educational programs
     • Community based nonprofits 

We Do Not Fund or Sponsor 
     • Requests from individuals or for-profits 
     • Programs that are inconsistent with our core values
     • Political action committees or political campaigns
     • Out of area organizations or most entertainment events
     • School or club sports teams or activities including dance, cheer, band, field trips, etc.

Application Process 

  • All applications for sponsorships must be submitted to the marketing department three months prior to the date funding is needed. 
  • The Sponsorship Oversight Committee, which meets quarterly, will carefully consider each application. 
  • Every applicant will receive an email notification of the outcome of the request. 
  • Successful applications will receive a check via US Mail 4 - 6 weeks after approval.

Please note: priority is given to organizations which benefit the health and well-being of our communities and which provide assistance to the poor and disenfranchised. 

Sponsorship Form

If you are interested in requesting a sponsorship from our hospitals, please download the application and attach the additional requested information listed on the form.

Submitting Your Application

Electronic submission (preferred method):
Please email your application to

Mail to:
St. John's Hospital Camarillo
Attention: Brenda Tardiff / Hospital Administration
2309 Antonio Avenue
Camarillo, CA 93010