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Childbirth and Expectant Parents Classes


Childbirth and Expectant Parent Classes, Support Groups, and Tour


We know you’re filled with anticipation, excitement, and questions about what to expect before, during, and after your baby is born. 

Maternity Tours 2024 (English):

1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM:

  • September 18
  • October 2
  • October 16
  • November 6
  • November 20
  • December 4
  • December 18

2nd Wednesday of the month at 11:15 AM:

  • October 9
  • November 13
  • December 11

1st Sunday of the month from 2:00 PM:

  • September 22
  • October 6
  • November 3
  • December 1

Reservations Required. Please register below under Online Class Registration, Now Available.

Recorrido de maternidad (Spanish):

Septiembre 2024

  • Viernes 27 de septiembre a las 6:00 PM

Octubre 2024

  • Martes 8 de octubre a las 6:00 PM
  • Viernes 11 de octubre a las 6:00 PM

Noviembre 2024

  • Martes 5 de noviembre a las 6:00 PM
  • Viernes 22 de noviembre a las 6:00 PM

Diciembre 2024

  • Martes 3 de diciembre a las 6:00 PM
  • Viernes 13 de diciembre a las 6:00 PM

Las reservas son obligatorias. Inscríbase a continuación en Registro en línea para clases.

Online Class Registration, Now Available (Registro en línea para clases)

We are pleased to announce that we now offer online registration for our classes. For more information, please call (805) 988-2784.


Nos complace anunciar que ahora ofrecemos registro en línea para nuestras clases. Para mas información, favor de llamar al (805) 988-2784.

Support Groups (Available via Zoom)

All support groups are FREE

Mom to Mom Peer Support Group (for Pregnant & Postpartum Women)
Wednesdays (except holidays)  | 10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
This group is designed to give women a time to explore the complex emotions that often come along with motherhood.

Support Groups (In-Person)

All support groups are FREE

Baby Bistro Breastfeeding Support Group
Tuesdays (except holidays) |  11 a.m. to Noon

Meet other breastfeeding moms and learn how to work through various infant feeding concerns, milestones, and topics that may come up after leaving the hospital.


Mommy and Me Support Group (Newborn to 6 months)

Thursdays (except holidays) |  11 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
This support group focuses on parenting and infant care.

Mommy and Me Support Group (6 months to 12 months)
Thursdays (except holidays) |  9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
This support group will focus on baby and toddler care, and development from six to twelve months of age. Songs, stories, and baby activities are included.


Sibling Class
First Saturday of the month  |  10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
This one-time class is to prepare your child (age 2-10 years of age) for the upcoming birth of their new baby brother or sister. This class will include topics such as, what babies do and how they communicate, what a big brother or sister may feel about the new baby’s arrival and ways they can help with the new baby. A special booklet and certificate will be mailed to the child after completion of the course.


Registration required. Please register through the Online Class Registration above.  For more information, please call (805) 988-2784.

We know you're filled with anticipation, excitement, and questions about what to expect before, during, and after your baby is born. Some classes, support groups, and tours are postponed until further notice. However, the following groups now meet via Zoom.

Understanding Birth eClass

Fee: $60.00
Consider the Understanding Birth eClass your go-to guide for answers you can trust on childbirth. This interactive online course covers essential information on labor and more, and highlights ways partners can help throughout the process. You’ll also get a sense of what labor is really like as you watch several birth stories. You’ll even have an opportunity to create your own birth plan! You can access the eClass from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. Allow 4-6 hours to complete.  You can access the eClass from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. Allow 4-6 hours to complete. 


eClass Chapters

  • Pregnancy
  • Labor
  • Birth Stories
  • Comfort Techniques       
  • Medical Procedures
  • Cesarean Birth
  • Newborns
  • Postpartum

What’s Included?

  • Videos, animations, and optional read-along audio
  • Quizzes, interactive exercises, notes pages, and extended activities
  • Essential tools, including a birth plan checklist and contraction timer
  • Audio library with soothing sounds, lullabies, and relaxation exercises
  • PDF library, glossary, and web links
  • Class completion certificate

Entendiendo el Parto (Clase por Internet)

Tarifa: $60.00
¿No puede asistir a la clase de preparación para el parto? ¡Nosotros acercamos la clase a usted! Considere la clase por internet Entender el Parto como su guía para obtener respuestas confiables acerca del parto. Este curso interactivo por internet cubre la información esencial acerca del trabajo de parto y mucho más, a la vez que demuestra las maneras en las cuales las parejas pueden ayudar a las madres a través del proceso. Usted también podrá percibir cómo es realmente el trabajo de parto mientras observa distintas historias de nacimientos. ¡Incluso tendrá la oportunidad de crear su propio plan de parto!

Puede acceder a la Clase desde cualquier computadora o dispositivo teléfono móvil con conexión a Internet. Completar la clase lleva de 4 a 6 horas.


Capítulos de la clase:

  • Embarazo
  • Trabajo de parto
  • Historias de nacimientos
  • Técnicas para obtener alivio y comodidad
  • Procedimientos médicos
  • Nacimiento por cesárea
  • Recién nacidos
  • Posparto

¿Qué está incluido?

  • Videos, animaciones y un audio opcional para acompañar la lectura
  • Cuestionarios, ejercicios interactivos, páginas de notas y actividades adicionales
  • Herramientas esenciales, incluso una lista de comprobación de plan de parto y un monitor de contracciones
  • Audioteca con sonidos relajantes, canciones de cuna y ejercicios de relajación
  • Biblioteca, archivo de PDF, glosario y enlaces de internet
  • Certificado al completar la clase

Understanding Breastfeeding eClass (Online Course)

Fee: $40.00

Following International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) recommendations and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines, all-new, research-based Understanding Breastfeeding curriculum helps improve breastfeeding success. Through step-by-step instructions and 3D animation, you will learn how to achieve a deep latch, which breastfeeding holds and positions are best for baby, and how to maintain healthy milk production. 


What’s included?

  • How breastfeeding works: 3D breast anatomy and milk production animation, colostrum, breastmilk qualities, why breastfeeding is important, AAP exclusivity recommendations.
  • Getting the best start: Sharing breastfeeding plans with hospital staff, skin-to-skin contact, rooming-in, lactation consultants, pacifier recommendations.
  • Latching on: Reclined and upright positions, 3D animation comparing deep and shallow latches.
  • Breastfeeding positions: Laid-back, cross-cradle, football, side-lying, cradl hold.
  • When to feed your baby: Hunger and satiation cues, feeding patterns and guidelines, how to feed a sleepy baby, cluster feedings.
  • Getting enough milk: Signs of milk transfer, growth spurts, feeding and diaper log, stool and urine guidelines, weight gain, getting help.
  • Breast care: Normal breast fullness, hand expression and pumping, engorgement, nipple tenderness, mastitis and other warning signs.

Entendiendo la lactancia materna (Clase por Internet):

Tarifa: $40.00 

Siguiendo las recomendaciones de la International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), y las recomendaciones de Academia Americana de Pediatría (AAP), para la comprensión de la lactancia materna (está basado en las investigaciones nuevas) ayuda a mejorar el éxito de la lactancia. 


Este curso le mostrará lo siguiente: Instrucciones paso-a-paso, cómo lograr un agarre profundo, posiciones de lactancia que son las mejores para el bebé, y cómo mantener una producción de leche saludable.


¿Qué está incluido en el curso?

  • Cómo funciona la lactancia materna: la anatomía mamaria y producción de leche, calostro, calidad de la leche materna, por quée la lactancia materna es importante, recomendaciones de exclusividad de la AAP.


  • Conseguir el mejor comienzo: Compartir planes de lactancia con del personal del hospital, contacto piel-a-piel, alojamiento conjunto, consultores de lactancia, recomendaciones de chupetes.


  • Prenderse al pecho: posiciones adecuadas que le ayudaran a un enganche profundo. 


  • Posiciones para amamantar: reclinado, cuna cruzada, fútbol, acostado de lado, agarre cuna.


  • Cuándo alimentar a su bebé: señales que podría indicar que su bebé tiene hambre y señales que su bebé está lleno, patrones y pautas de alimentación, y cómo alimentar a un bebé soñoliento y cuando su bebé comienza a comer con más fecuencia en poco tiempo.
  • Obtener suficiente leche: signos de transferencia de leche, crecimiento acelerado, registro de alimentación, numero de pañales al dia (pañales mojados y sucios), aumento de peso, y como pedir ayuda. 


  • Cuidado de los senos: senos llenos, extracción a mano y extracción con sacaleches, congestión mamaria, sensibilidad en los pezones, mastitis y otras señales de advertencia.


  • Estilo de vida de la lactancia: apoyo y participación de la pareja, alimentación en público, cuidarse a sí misma, alimenacion y sustancias para evitar durante la lactacion, grupos de apoyo, regreso al trabajo.


Understanding Fatherhood eClass (Online Course)

Fee:  $60.00

Preparing for fatherhood is no easy task. Men want to support their partners and new babies, but often feel lost and unsure about how to do that. This convenient, informative, and entertaining eClass was created for men (by men) to help them find their way on this unique journey. With a positive focus on the importance of being involved right from the start, you’ll learn how to support your partner through pregnancy and birth, as well as survival tips for those first few sleep-deprived months with a newborn. Integrated throughout the class are fun activities and video clips that share the relatable stories of real dads and advice from a fatherhood expert. You can access the eClass from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection. The class takes about 3 hours to complete.

eClass chapters:

  • The Importance of Fathers
  • The Pregnant Dad: Involved From the Start
  • Labor and Delivery: A Dad Is Born
  • Baby Care: Dad in Action
  • The Postpartum Dad: Emotions & Your Relationship 
  • Parenting: A Dad's Life 

What’s included?

  • Videos, animations, and optional read-along audio
  • Quizzes, interactive exercises, notes pages, and extended activities
  • PDF library, including a Labor Partner’s Tip Sheet, Safe Swaddling, Baby Supplies Checklist, and Home Safety Checklist
  • Essential pregnancy and new-parent tools, such as Trimester To-Do Lists, a Contraction Timer, and Feeding Log
  • Glossary and web links
  • Class completion certificate

How it works:

  • Once you purchase your seat to the eClass, we will email you login instructions.
  • Once you log on, you will have 9 months to complete the course.

Understanding Grandparenting eClass (Online Course)

Fee: $40.00

This class helps grandparents understand what’s changed and why since raising their children and how they can be an important part of their grandchild’s life. Course can take up to 3 hours to complete.

What’s included?

  •  Why Grandparents Are Grand? Benefits of grandparents
  • Birth & Mother Care Changes: Current hospital birth practices, grandparents at birth, rooming-in, postpartum mood & anxiety disorders
  • What's New in Baby Care? Crying & comforting, changes in bathing and diapering
  • Health & Safety: Germs and infections, safe sleep and SIDS, warning signs, car seats, hot car safety, outdoor safety, childproofing, baby equipment
  • Feeding Baby: Changes in breastfeeding, supporting breastfeeding, changes in infant nutrition
  • Play & Milestones: Monthly milestone for the first 4 months, ideas for interactions
  • Your Supportive Role: Setting boundaries, healthy communication

How it works:

  • Once you purchase your seat at the eClass, we will email you login instructions.
  • Once you log on, you will have 9 months to complete the course.

Take a Virtual Tour

The birth of your baby is one of the most important events in your life, and the newly expanded Maternity Center at St. John’s Regional Medical Center is the premier destination for childbirth, featuring:

  • New private entrance for all birthing services.
  • Newly designed and comfortable waiting area for loved ones.
  • Two private and one semi-private triage rooms.
  • Four new labor and delivery suites.

To learn more, please call (805) 988-2784.