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Breast reconstruction after a mastectomy

Breast reconstruction surgery is a vital option for those who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy, offering a means to restore the shape and symmetry of their breasts. Beyond physical restoration, it serves as a powerful tool for restoring self-confidence and a sense of normalcy following breast cancer treatment. For many, the emotional and psychological benefits of feeling whole again are just as important as the physical outcomes.

By addressing both the aesthetic and functional aspects of breast loss, reconstruction surgery enables individuals to feel more comfortable in their bodies and regain their quality of life. Whether chosen immediately after mastectomy or later in the healing process, breast reconstruction plays a pivotal role in empowering survivors to move forward with strength and confidence after facing the challenges of cancer.

Find breast reconstruction services near me

With locations across California, Dignity Health Medical Group is just right around the corner. Schedule an appointment with a breast reconstruction surgeon, in person or virtually.

Which breast reconstruction surgery is best after a mastectomy?

Breast reconstruction surgery offers various techniques tailored to individual needs and preferences. One common method is implant-based reconstruction, which involves using silicone or saline implants to reshape the breast mound. Another approach is autologous reconstruction, where tissue from another part of the body, such as the abdomen or back, is used to reconstruct the breast.

Each type of reconstruction has its own benefits and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as individual anatomy, treatment plan, and personal preferences.

Recovering from breast reconstruction after a mastectomy

Following a mastectomy for breast cancer, the recovery process for breast reconstruction involves managing post-surgery discomfort, monitoring for complications, and gradually regaining strength and mobility. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort initially, which can be managed with medication and proper wound care. It's crucial to follow your surgeon's instructions regarding activity level and wearing supportive garments to aid healing.

Emotionally, adjusting to changes in body image and coping with the impact of cancer treatment can be challenging. Support from health care professionals, friends, and family, as well as participation in support groups, can help navigate this journey. With time, physical and emotional well-being typically improve, and follow-up appointments with the surgical team are essential for monitoring progress and discussing additional procedures if desired, leading to enhanced self-confidence and quality of life for many individuals.


Find a Doctor

With clinics throughout California, a Dignity Health Medical Group breast reconstruction surgeon is nearby and ready to assist you with your wellness journey.