Current and past residents
Current Residents
Alea Mickaela Avila, PharmD
Dr. Avila was born in Manila, Philippines and raised in Las Vegas. She did undergraduate course work at the University of Nevada; Las Vegas then earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at Roseman University of Health Sciences in Henderson, Nevada.
Her clinical interests include critical care, emergency medicine, and cardiology. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and staying active by hiking and rock climbing.
Gabriel Samaniego, PharmD
Dr. Samaniego was born and raised in Vallejo, California. He attained his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Dominican University, and later earned his PharmD from Roseman University of Health Sciences in Henderson, Nevada.
His clinical interests include critical care, emergency medicine, and pediatrics. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf around the valley, watching basketball as an avid Golden State Warriors fan, and traveling to explore new places.
Jack Vo, PharmD
Dr. Vo was born and raised in Southern California. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sciences and Doctorate of Pharmacy at University of the Pacific: Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy in Stockton California.
His clinical interests include emergency medicine, infectious diseases and pediatrics. In his free time, he enjoys cooking, going to the beach, and spending time with family and friends.
Jordan-Nichole Manno, PharmD
Dr. Manno was born and raised in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry at the University of Detroit Mercy in Detroit, Michigan. She then earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her clinical areas of interest include infectious diseases and ambulatory care. After completing her PGY2 residency in infectious diseases, she hopes to obtain an inpatient or clinic based infectious diseases related pharmacist position.
In her spare time, Jordan enjoys listening to music and podcasts, running, reading and playing pickleball.
Past Residents
Dominic Acosta, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist, Infectious Diseases/Antimicrobial Stewardship
Lovelace Medical Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Curtis Bailey, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist
St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Henderson, Nevada
Aspen Bryant, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist
St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Henderson, Nevada
Steven Burgos, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist
St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Henderson, Nevada
Megan Farrell, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist
St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Henderson, Nevada
Justin Fernando, PharmD, BCCCP
Completed a PGY2 Critical Care Medicine Residency
Clinical Pharmacist, Critical Care
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada
Ivana Ganeva, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine
St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Henderson, Nevada
Amy Hale, PharmD, BCPS, RN
Principal Scientific Account Lead, Value and Evidence Scientific Engagement Team
Johnson & Johnson
Las Vegas, Nevada
Stacy Henry, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine
St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Henderson, Nevada
Vivian Lee, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist
The Medical Center of Aurora
Aurora, Colorado
Kristine Luong, PharmD, BCCCP, BCEMP
Completed a PGY2 Critical Care Medicine Residency
Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center
Las Vegas, Nevada
James Mitchell, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine
Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mark Nguyen, PharmD, BCEMP
Completed a PGY2 Emergency Medicine Residency
Clinical Pharmacist, Emergency Medicine
Intermountain Medical Center
Murray, Utah
Fredrick O’Neal, PharmD, BCPS
Completed a PGY2 Administration Residency
Vice President, Regulatory and Quality Operations
HCA Healthcare - Clinical Operations Group
Nashville, Tennessee
Victoria Pang, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist, Adult and Pediatric Medicine
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center
Las Vegas, Nevada
Priya Winter, PharmD
Clinical Staff Pharmacist
Chandler Regional Medical Center
Chandler, Arizona
Katie Ronis, PharmD
Completed a PGY2 Critical Care Residency
Advanced Clinical Pharmacist - ICU/ED
Swedish Medical Center
Englewood, Colorado
Denise Truong, PharmD, BCPS
Completed PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency
Clinical Pharmacist, Internal Medicine
Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital
Santa Rosa, California