Dignity Health Medical Group Nevada
Providing personalized, comprehensive health care for southern Nevadans.
The staff at the Dignity Health Medical Group Nevada (DHMGN) clinics are committed to serving the continuing health care needs of the southern Nevada community. Backed by the rich heritage of Dignity Health-St.Rose Dominican, the Henderson and Las Vegas Dignity Health Medical Group clinic doctors and staff are available to provide convenient, personalized care when you need it.
The DHMGN clinic medical staff of Family Practice, Internal Medicine, and Pediatric physicians, as well as the Cardiovascular/Thoracic Surgeons, Neurology, Pulmonology and Rheumatology physicians offer a full range of health care services and will follow the continuity of care if you're ever in the hospital. Our pediatric endocrinology services ensure that young patients with endocrine disorders receive the treatment they need and deserve.
And, as part of the Dignity Health family, our medical clinics are connected to the highest standard of health care in southern Nevada. At DHMGN clinics, you have our personal attention.