Pregnancy & Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Family Support
If you're pregnant or thinking of becoming a parent, the WomensCare Centers/Outreach Centers offer a wide variety of classes to keep you healthy through your pregnancy and to assist once your baby arrives.
Prenatal Classes
- Baby Basics
- Daddy Boot Camp
- Breastfeeding
- Childbirth Express
- Prepared Childbirth
- Smoking Cessation for Pregnancy: (702) 784-8669
- Breastfeeding Helpline and Consultations
- Breast Pump Rentals
- New Mommy Mixer
Infants, Children & Parenting
- Baby Steps: Learn and Play
- Car Seat Safety Checks
- Happiest Baby on the Block
- Love and Logic: Parenting Made Fun
- Mommy & Baby Yoga
- Mommy & Toddler Yoga
- Sing & Sign: Baby Sign Language Level II
- Sing & Sign: Food Time
- WIC (Women, Infants & Children) Nutrition Program
- Zumbini
Please call (702) 616-4900 (24/7) for information on class dates, times, and locations.