Virtual Visits
Your convenient alternative to in-person visits
Dignity Health Medical Group in Nevada is finding new and convenient ways to care for our patients and the community. Have your appointment from the comfort of your home, work, or mobile device.
Click on the phone number to schedule your virtual visit:
As we currently face the community spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and are conducting fewer in-person visits, now is a great time to take advantage of our new virtual visit offerings. Call (844) 842-8279 to see what virtual visit appointments are open to fit your schedule.
New to our group? Find your doctor here.
Search online profiles of all providers in our group.
Important Documents
By accepting and joining the Virtual Visit, you consent to the following:
Medical treatment rendered.
Full explanation prior to any testing, procedure or referral and that you will be given an opportunity to decline or seek further information.
Assume all charges for the services when presented to me. Payment for services received is your responsibility unless other arrangements are made beforehand.
Authorization to release the required information from my medical record to any insurer or compensation carrier which requires that information to settle a claim on my behalf.
Benefits to be paid to this provider/office.
Acknowledgement of Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities information has been made available upon this visit.
If you would like a copy of your Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities, you obtain from the following links above or request a hard copy to be mailed to you.
Using a computer to connect to a virtual visit
Using a mobile device to connect to a virtual visit
If you have other questions or would like to schedule your virtual visit, call (844) 842-8279.
Help prevent the spread of COVID-19
Certain behavior changes can help prevent the spread of Coronavirus in our communities. Many states have implemented orders restricting large gatherings and asking people to stay home. People are also encouraged to practice “social distancing” by avoiding crowds and remaining six (6) feet apart from each other while in public places.
Preventing Transmission – Here are a few additional actions you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Stay home if you are sick.
- Practice social distancing by avoiding crowds and remaining 6 feet apart from each other while in public places.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wear a cloth face covering when you go out in public, for example the grocery store or to pick up necessities.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces like countertops, door handles, faucets, and phones.
- If you need medical care and have COVID-19 symptoms, call ahead first.