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Endovascular Embolization at Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican Hospitals

Endovascular embolization is a minimally invasive procedure used to stop bleeding or cut off the blood supply in part of an artery or a blood vessel. During embolization, embolic substances, including metal coils, tiny spheres, chemicals, and even glue, are used to eliminate the vessel or physically fill it up to block blood flow.

If you have an aneurysm that is at risk of rupturing or an abnormal blood vessel that could bleed, you may be a candidate for endovascular embolization. It’s an alternative to open surgery to treat these types of vascular conditions. 

Endovascular embolization can treat:

  • Uterine fibroids. The benign tumors can cause excessive menstrual bleeding. Embolization causes the fibroids to shrink.
  • Tumors. Closing off blood vessels necessary for tumor growth can stop or slow tumor growth
  • Abnormal connections between blood vessels and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Embolization blocks the AVMs to reduce the risk of bleeding. 
  • Brain aneurysms or a weakness or bulging of a blood vessel wall. Embolization plugs up the aneurysm and keeps it from growing and rupturing.

Having one of these conditions may make you a good candidate for endovascular embolization in Las Vegas or Henderson, NV, but it’s important to talk to your neurologist about the benefits and risks.

Find a neurologist or neurosurgeon associated with Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican hospitals or call (855) 978-9313 to learn more.


What to Expect from Your Endovascular Embolization in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV

Interventional radiologists perform endovascular embolization in the radiology departments of our hospitals. They often specialize in certain areas, including neurology. Embolization is an image-guided procedure performed with a catheter, a narrow tube that is inserted into a blood vessel. 

Before the procedure, a nurse will start an intravenous (IV) line and give you a sedative to help you relax. In some cases, general anesthesia is used instead of sedation. If you have sedation, the radiologist numbs the catheter insertion site, makes a tiny incision near an artery (often the groin), and inserts the catheter. Your radiologist also injects a contrast medium, which makes your blood vessels show up on X-rays. The radiologist looks at the real-time X-ray image while guiding the catheter to the target area.

The embolic substance is delivered through the catheter to the target area. After verifying the seal is complete and bleeding has stopped, the radiologist removes the catheter. 


Endovascular Embolization Recovery

Your interventional radiology team will care for you after the procedure. They will apply a pressure dressing over the incision to stop bleeding and move you to a recovery room. 

The recovery time is minimal. Your doctor at Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican will tell you if you have activity restrictions and when you may return to work. You will have a follow-up appointment with your doctor to review your treatment. 

Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican hospitals performs endovascular embolization in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV.