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Siena Hospital Pediatrician Advice Videos

Meet some of our Siena Hospital Pediatricians and hear their best advice on common childhood health questions.

What is a Medical Home?

with Dr. Laos

Hydration Habits

with Dr. Fortunado

Fever is our an extent

with Dr. Laos

The Most Important Job

with Dr. Laos

Pediatrician vs. Neonatologist

with Dr. Nagar

How long will a baby be in the NICU?

with Dr. Nagar

Babies - Skin on Skin

with Dr. Nagar

Hyperbilirubinemia is a big word for Jaundice

with Dr. Nagar

Why do kids need a Pediatric ER?

with Dr. Laos

Go to the ER? Call the Pediatrician?

with Dr. Laos

Babies Fighting Infection

with Dr. Nagar

Do kids need vitamin supplements?

with Dr. Fortunado

The Mothers Kiss Maneuver

with Dr. Fortunado

Why are you a Pediatrician?

with Drs. Nager, Laos, Wayment, Fortunato

Juvenile Diabetes

with Dr. Wayment