Access to patient portal records will be limited starting at 5:30AM PT/6:30AM AZ to 4PM PT/5PM AZ on the 13th of March.
The Anderson Area Association of Senior Citizens Organizations. Inc. (AAASCO) a private non-profit organization opened the Frontier Senior Center in Anderson, California in 1996.
It began with the efforts of a group of citizens in the south county who were frustrated with a senior nutrition program which had moved 8 times in 10 years, and the south county was also experiencing an explosion in the number of senior residents, drawing attention to the need to help seniors remain independent and engage in activities to combat isolation, maintain health, and avoid premature institutionalization.
The center has become a focal point for activities in South Shasta County. No federal, state or county funds are used to operate the center. Operating funds come from income generated by facility rental, monthly community breakfasts, a thrift store operated by the seniors, donations and fundraisers.
The Board of Directors is made up of six community members and four members of the Frontier Senior Center.