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Have a happy
birth day.

Mercy Mt. Shasta welcomes you and your soon-to-be little one.

Family Birth Center

When you’re having a baby, Mercy Mt. Shasta welcomes you and your soon-to-be little one into our warm, comfortable, and private suites. The joy of having a baby can be enhanced with the knowledge that you’ve chosen a hospital and family birth center where we speak maternity fluently.

Labor & Delivery Rooms

Our labor/delivery/recovery rooms offer a private, comfortable, and homelike setting for delivery. Each room offers the latest in technology so you can experience the birth of your child and recovery in one place with your family members, and your own doctor or midwife in attendance. 


At the Family Birth Center, we strive to prepare the whole family for the arrival of a new baby. Classes include labor support skills, breastfeeding instruction, tours of labor/delivery/recovery suites, relaxation techniques, and up-to-date information on the latest technology. 

High-Risk Births

While no one wants to anticipate trouble in the delivery room, Mercy Mt. Shasta is linked to a state-of-the-art sister hospital, Mercy Medical Center Redding. In the event of a high-risk birth, infants and parents can be immediately airlifted so the best possible treatment can be obtained quickly and safely.

Breastfeeding Support

At Dignity Health, we help all families create a feeding plan, whether they choose breast milk, formula or a combination of both. 

Childbirth Education

For information regarding childbirth education at the Family Birth Center at Mercy Medical Center Mount Shasta please call Chari Bryan, RN at (530) 859-2155.

Learn More About the Family Birth Center at Mercy Mt. Shasta

For more information on having your baby here, please call (530) 926-6111. For a physician referral, call (530) 926-6111 or use our search tool to Find a Doctor