FREE Men’s Prostate Screening Event
Redding, CA. - Prostate cancer in the United States is one of the most common cancers in men; regardless of ethnicity or race. One of the best practices for dealing with prostate cancer is preventative care and exams. Join Dignity Health at Mercy Family Health Center Thursday, September 12th for a free Men's Prostate Screening Event.
“The current recommendation by the American Urologic Association is to start having checks at age 50, unless you have a family history of prostate cancer. Family history is the biggest risk factor for prostate cancer and if you have a father or brother who has had prior prostate cancer, then you should be starting your screening at age 40,” said Dr. Patrick Fowler, Urologist.
The screening will include a DRE (Digital Rectal Exam) and a PSA (Pathogen Specific Antigen Blood Test).
Mercy Family Health Center
2480 Sonoma Street
Redding, CA 96001
Thursday, September 12, 2019
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
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About Dignity Health North State
Mercy Medical Center Redding, St. Elizabeth Community Hospital in Red Bluff, and Mercy Medical Center Mt. Shasta are Dignity Health North State hospitals sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of Auburn. The hospitals are passionate about patient care, committed to community outreach, advocates for the underserved, and dedicated to delivering quality, affordable health services to those in need. In 2018, the Dignity Health North State Hospitals cared for more than 90,000 people and provided more than $21 million in community benefit to the region we serve. The hospitals also offer a broad array of outpatient services and the senior services of Connected Living. Visit www.mercy.org to learn more.
Publish date:
Tuesday, September 10, 2019