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Compassionate Hospice Care

Focus on the patient.


The staff and doctors at St. Elizabeth Hospice offer care and relief through the last steps of life's journey. We sympathize with families during this difficult time.

What is Hospice?

Hospice care focuses on the patient and highlights the quality rather than the length of life. It affirms life and does not hasten nor postpone death. St. Elizabeth Hospice nurses help their patients to continue an alert, pain-free life and to manage other symptoms so that their last days may be spent with dignity and quality, surrounded by their loved ones. 

St. Elizabeth Hospice Offers

  • Bereavement support
  • Caregiver relief by trained volunteers
  • Community education and consultation
  • Emotional and spiritual support for the patient and family members
  • Help in planning for legal, financial and other practical needs
  • Home health aide services
  • Instruction for family members in the care of the patient
  • Medical supplies and equipment
  • Medications for pain and other symptoms
  • Short-term inpatient care, including respite care
  • Skilled nursing care

When Does One Qualify for Hospice Care?

Patients are eligible for hospice when they no longer seek curative treatment and life expectancy is estimated to be six months or less. Depending on the disease process and other variables, the patient, their family, and the doctor often decide together when hospice services should begin. There are times when patients may graduate from hospice care. Examples include when their condition improves, the disease goes into remission, or the patient chooses to return to active treatment. Hospice care can always be resumed at a later time. 

Admission Criteria

  • Patient has an expected limited life-span
  • Patient, family, and patient's doctor must agree to the referral to hospice and share a common understanding and expectation of hospice care
  • Patient will be safely cared for with the availability of adequate full-time caregiver support as needed
  • Patient must live within the hospice service area. Please contact us with questions.

Hours & Locations

We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Mercy Hospice, 1544 Market Street (Downtown Mall), Redding, CA 96001
(530) 245-4070

St. Elizabeth Hospice, 1425 Vista Way, Red Bluff, CA 96080
(530) 528-4207

For urgent needs after hours or on the weekends and holidays, please call the hospice office and the answering service will connect you with the hospice nurse on call. 

For more information on hospice or bereavement classes, please call (530) 245-4070