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Away from gun shots, city kids find peace on American River Parkway

Sacramento Bee features story on Recreate for Health program made possible by a $25,000 grant from Dignity Health

The American River Parkway Foundation recently launched a new program (Recreate for Health) which is aimed at providing urban children an opportunity to experience the outdoors this summer. Through a $25,000 grant from Dignity Health, Recreate for Health has partnered with two neighborhood nonprofit groups (Always Knocking and Hooked on Fishing Not on Violence) to bring this unique experience to kids who may not otherwise have the opportunity to see, feel, live the beauty of the American River Parkway.

Ashley Brand, director of community benefits and outreach at Dignity Health is interviewed as part of the story. 

Read the The Sacramento Bee story here.


Publish date: 

Monday, June 26, 2017

For Media and Press Related Inquiries

Media Contact: 

William Hodges 
Communications Director