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Dignity Health MS Achievement Center Hosts Virtual CIM

Teams of competitors living with multiple sclerosis challenged to reach 26.2 miles during fun event

People living with multiple sclerosis who participate in day wellness programs and services at the Dignity Health MS Achievement Center (MSAC) took part in a Virtual California International Marathon. Participants competed in teams and logged miles on stationary exercise equipment (bike, elliptical, treadmill, etc.).  The virtual CIM was a fun way to challenge participants in physical activity while achieving the mission of the center to improve health and wellness for people with multiple sclerosis. Thanks to Dr. John Schafer, medical director; and Brian Hutchinson, director at the MSAC for their work and dedication to helping people with MS! KCRA 3 came out to cover this fun event. 

Dignity Health Neurological Institute of Northern California is the regional leader in stroke care, treating the highest volume of neurovascular patients in the Greater Sacramento region. Our patients benefit from our dedicated team approach. That means you have a team of specialists working together to manage your care, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurointerventional radiologists and neurocritical care specialists. With physicians that are leaders in their fields, we combine advanced treatment options with a warm, personalized approach.

The Multiple Sclerosis Achievement Center is for those who are newly diagnosed or have been living with multiple sclerosis for some time. The MS Achievement Center can help patients take control of their health and achieve their wellness goals. We provide programs which focus on health and wellness to complement existing care. The Achievement Center’s mission is to provide members and loved ones with information, support and care to help deal with the challenges of MS. Upon admittance to the program, each person’s specific needs are identified by the MS Achievement Center staff and progress is monitored on an ongoing basis.

Publish date: 

Monday, December 04, 2017

For Media and Press Related Inquiries

Media Contact: 

William Hodges 
Communications Director