Woodland Healthcare Records Lowest Sepsis Rates in Area
Woodland Memorial Hospital recorded the lowest number of septic patients among acute care facilities in the Sacramento area in 2012, according to the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Woodland Memorial also had the second lowest incidence of sepsis-related deaths among infected patients. These two statistics reflect the success of adherence to evidence-based guidelines Woodland Healthcare has instituted to combat the nationwide problem of infection among in-patients.
On Friday, Sept. 13, Woodland Memorial Hospital will join more than 2,000 organizations and hospitals around the world in recognizing World Sepsis Day – a day aimed at raising awareness of and response to this worldwide issue. Sepsis is a severe systemic reaction to serious infection within the body. Symptoms are flu-like and can include high fever, chills, rapid pulse and respirations. Some patients arrive at hospitals already experiencing sepsis, while others acquire it during treatment.
At Woodland Memorial Hospitals, just 152 patients were diagnosed with sepsis in 2012. This number is in stark contrast to other acute care facilities in the area. “Every other hospital in the area reported a higher number of septic patients,” explains Michael Patmas, MD, Chief Medical Officer,Woodland Memorial Hospital. “For many facilities, that number went as high as 800, 900, even 1,000+ patients. Even among hospitals similar in size to Woodland Memorial, our incidence was significantly lower.”
In addition, Woodland Memorial’s sepsis rate per 100 patients decreased 13.8% during the time period from 2009 to 2012. This reflects the greatest decrease among all local acute care hospitals, including both Yolo and Sacramento counties.
“Woodland Memorial’s outstanding improvement in sepsis incidence can be attributed to compliance with infection prevention guidelines, very high rates of hand hygiene compliance, short lengths of stay as well as early recognition and treatment of sepsis,” says Dr. Patmas. “For our physicians and staff, reducing the risk of infection among our patients will continue to be one of our highest priorities.Publish date:
Friday, September 13, 2013