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Mercy General Hospital Family Birth Center

Search our network of OB/GYNs in Sacramento and schedule your appointment today

Where you choose to welcome your new baby is one of many important decisions you’ll make for you and your family. At Mercy General Hospital’s Family Birth Center, we’re dedicated to providing you with a supportive experience, anticipating and attending to your every need. 

Our Family Birth Center, located in the heart of Sacramento, has been delivering babies for more than 80 years. In our spacious, private birthing suites, guests enjoy generous amenities including:

  • Rejuvenating spa products

  • Plush spa robe

  • Diaper bag filled with essentials for healthy babies

  • Celebratory meal

  • Comfortable overnight sleepers for mom's support person

  • Aromatherapy

  • WiFi access

  • Flat-screen TV

  • Support of a board-certified lactation consultant

  • 24/7 access to OB/GYN Hospitalists who provide coverage for all OB patients

We work with you to discuss your birth plan and pain management options, including epidural and intrathecal combinations.


Obstetrics Emergency Department 

If you are more than 20 weeks along and have an urgent or emergent pregnancy-related need, our OB Emergency Department (OBED) is here for you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You will be seen by one of our Board-Certified OB/GYN Hospitalists – regardless of time, complications or circumstances. Commonly referred to as OB Triage, our OBED is where you will go for: 

  • Urgent or emergent pregnancy-related issues for patients greater than 20 weeks 
  • Active labor (you will be assessed to determine if it is time to be admitted)
  • Postpartum concerns up to six weeks

Our OBED is located on the 3rd floor of the South Wing of our hospital. For easiest access, enter through the main Emergency Department and follow the signs to the OBED.

Doula services

Mercy General Hospital is pleased to provide doula services to obstetric patients. A doula is a trained professional that provides physical and emotional support to a woman and her support team during labor and birth. Research shows that women who use doulas have reduced labor times, fewer medical interventions, greater breastfeeding success, and are generally happier with their birth experience.

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Our Approach to Infant Feeding Care

One of the most important choices a new parent makes is how to feed their newborn. At Mercy San Juan Medical Center, our physicians, nurses and breastfeeding support specialists are here to help you make the best choice for you and your family. Our approach to infant feeding is guided by compassion, research, real-world experiences and the infant's and family's unique needs. It’s designed to help all families thrive, supporting both breastfeeding families and those who make an informed choice not to breastfeed. 

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Find a Doctor

For help finding a Mercy General Hospital affiliated doctor, use our online physician directory, or call our physician referral line at (888) 800-7688

Register for a Stork Tour

We’d love to show you around! Come see what a big difference little luxuries make here at our Family Birth Center. Register for an in-person Stork Tour today.