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Frequently Asked Questions


Is Pre-Registration Required?

Pre-registration is typically not necessary as patients who have received most or all of their care here with us are already registered in the hospital system. If you have had a change of address, phone number, or health coverage during your pregnancy (or if you transferred care to us late in your pregnancy), you can fill out and mail in a pre-registration form to expedite your admission to labor and delivery. These forms are available from your provider or at the hospital registration desk. If for some reason you are not yet registered when you arrive in labor, the receptionist will happily assist you in this process.

Where Should We Go When We Arrive At The Hospital In Labor?

All entrances to the hospital are open daily from 5 a.m. - 8 p.m. Enter through the main hospital entrance and check in at the registration desk located just to your right as you enter through the main doors. You will then be able to proceed to the Family Birth Center on the 2nd floor of the hospital.

After 8 p.m. every day, the main hospital entrance is locked and you and any visitors will have to enter through the Emergency Room entrance located on the north side of the hospital. The Emergency Room entrance is well marked. You do not have to be seen/evaluated in the Emergency Room – simply enter through this door, proceed directly to registration, and then continue to the Family Birth Center.

What Anesthesia Options Are Available?

Several birth pain relief options are available at Woodland Memorial Hospital. Anytime during your labor, an anesthesiologist can discuss pain relief options with you. Anesthesia is available 24 hours a day.

What Types Of Nursery Arrangements Are Available?

Chances are, your baby will be perfect in every way and will remain in your care from birth to discharge. But if your baby is premature or requires intensive care and cannot be managed at Woodland Memorial Hospital, our knowledgeable pediatricians will contact a sister hospital to make sure that your infant is transferred to a location where they can receive the best, specialized care. We utilize the Mercy hospital network of Intensive care nurseries, UC Davis or Oakland Children’s hospital if the need arises. Our goal is to make sure that your infant gets the care he/she needs.

What Are The Post-Partum Room Arrangements?

Most moms who deliver at Woodland Memorial Hospital remain in the very same private room for their entire stay-from labor until they go home with their newborns. Healthy babies are cared for right in the home-like room and stay with their new families as much as desired. Each room is equipped with delivery and neonatal resuscitation equipment. Though the ideal scenario is for mom and baby to spend entire stay from labor through discharge in same room there are times when this is not possible. The hospital must keep some Labor/Delivery/Recovery/Postpartum suites available for incoming women in labor. Therefore a patient who has had her baby may be moved to a postpartum room in order to make a Labor/Delivery/Postpartum/Delivery suite available for a mom in labor. Interested in taking a tour of Woodland Memorial Hospital’s Family Birth center, click here or call (530) 669-5540.

Can My Baby Stay In The Room With Me?

Yes. Your baby will remain in your room throughout your stay and if the bay needs to go to the nursery for any reason you can accompany the baby.

What Is The Visiting Policy?

General Guidelines

While you are in labor, you may have your chosen support people with you in your labor room regardless of the time of day. The total number of support people in your room should not exceed five people at any given time. Support persons other than your partner/main support person may occasionally be asked to step out during procedures and in other instances when space is needed or conditions warrant. There is a comfortable family waiting room just outside the entrance to the Family Birth Center where friends and family members can wait. Children under 12 who you wish to be present for the birth must be accompanied by another adult (someone other than your partner/support person) who can accompany them out of the room if necessary.

General Postpartum Guidelines

  • Partners/Support Person: 24 hours a day
  • Siblings/Friends/Relatives: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Any children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult when they come to visit you. For safety reasons, children are not allowed to spend the night with you in the hospital. If you have other children, we ask that you make childcare arrangements for the evenings/nighttime. In addition, children who have been exposed to any childhood illness or rashes should not visit. Please ask any adults with contagious illnesses or respiratory infections to refrain from visiting you as well. For safety reasons, we ask that there be no more than five people in your room at any one time.

What Should I Bring With Me To The Hospital?

The most important thing to bring with you is an approved infant car seat, properly installed in your car. You will also want to bring a going-home outfit for the baby and perhaps a receiving blanket for extra warmth. The hospital will provide whatever is needed for the baby during your hospital stay, i.e. diapers, clothing, blankets.

Other items may include:

  • Identification and insurance card/information
  • Bathrobe/slippers if desired
  • Shampoo/conditioner/lotion/massage oil/chapstick/hairbands/hairbrush/toothbrush and any other personal toiletries you might want
  • Nightgown/pajamas if desired
  • Breastfeeding Pillow if desired
  • Snacks/drinks for your support people
  • Clothes to wear home
  • Outfit (with legs) for the baby to wear home
  • Car seat
  • Music and music player if desired
  • A photo/ultrasound picture to look at/focus on during labor if desired
  • Camera if desired

Does The Hospital Encourage Breastfeeding?

Yes. Our goal at Woodland Memorial Hospital is to encourage every mother to breastfeed. With our Certified Lactation Consultants, Woodland Memorial Hospital offers prenatal breastfeeding classes, breastfeeding information in your prenatal visits with your provider, breastfeeding support during your hospital stay after your baby’s birth, and breastfeeding appointments and care in our pediatrics clinic after you leave the hospital with your newborn. Learn more.

Where Can I Take Classes?

Woodland Memorial Hospital offers a variety of pre-and post-natal classes, designed to help new and experienced parents prepare for childbirth and parenthood. For a list of our classes, click here.