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Cardiovascular Disease Education

Your heart is in good hands.

Heart HELP

Heart HELP is a program for adults at-risk for or already suffering from cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke). Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., but your risk can be reduced by taking steps to control the following risk factors: being overweight or obese, being physically active less than 3 times a week, eating an unhealthy diet, high blood cholesterol or triglycerides, high blood pressure, diabetes or prediabetes, smoking,  and stress.  The risk factors you can’t control are age, gender, and family history of cardiovascular disease.  Many people have at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.  Your risk for heart attack or stroke increases with the number of risk factors you have and their severity.  Also, some risk factors put you at greater risk than others; examples of these risk factors include smoking and diabetes.

What We Provide

  • Five weekly two-hour workshops in English, Spanish, or Korean
  • Nutrition tips to help reduce risk
  • Exercise and fitness fundamentals


The Heart HELP program at California Hospital is free for any adult in the LA County area who:

  • Is overweight or obese
  • Does not get much exercise
  • Has high blood pressure
  • Has diabetes or prediabetes
  • Has high cholesterol or triglycerides
  • Smokes
  • Has a physician referral to enroll

For more information, please contact

Irma Radillo
Community Health Promoter