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You & Your Heart

Making changes to be more heart-healthy is important for the whole family. The best way to help your kids develop healthy habits for life is to be a good role model.

4 Heart-Smart Habits

Here are some great ways to keep your own heart healthy and help other family members as well.

  1. Change the way you grocery shop.
    Try spending most of your time at the grocery store on the perimeter of the store. Gather snacks such as carrots, cherry tomatoes and bananas before hitting the inner aisles.

  2. Focus on eating right.
    A healthy diet helps keep your heart healthy. Fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean meats and fish, and whole grains should be the staples of your family’s meals.

  3. Be active together.
    Plan time for fun family activities such as walks, bike rides or games like hide-and-seek. Limit time in front of the TV or computer and create your own fun instead of watching others.

  4. Reduce stress.
    Stress can have a powerful effect on the heart. Taking time out for a quiet walk or full-body stretch can help relieve stress.

A healthy heart helps contribute to a long, healthy life for you and your loved ones. Talk with your doctor if you have questions about the health of your heart.

Heart disease, including stroke, is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Understand your heart health by taking this free heart health assessment

What’s good for your heart is great for your taste buds!

A brand new version of the popular Keep the Beat™ classic cookbook has a new look -- with 75 new deliciously healthy recipes. The focus is on heart healthy dinner entrees and side dishes, influenced by Asian, Latino, Mediterranean, and American cuisines. FREE download of the Keep the Beat™ family cookbook, or visit the website for more recipes and information. 

A Healthy Heart Through Exercise

Exercise helps strengthen your heart and has other benefits as well. But if it’s been a while since you were active,here are a few tips for long-term success:

Set reasonable expectations. You may be excited to get in shape and improve your health, but a 5-mile jog is likely not a good way to get started. Start gradually, with perhaps a short walk around the neighborhood or in the mall (after you have consulted your doctor), and then slowly increase the distance or intensity.

Make it fun. If you find walking to be boring, then try an activity you enjoy, like swimming or dancing. You are much more likely to stick to an exercise plan when you enjoy what you are doing.

Track your success. Changes in health can be incremental. Keep a log of your activities so you can look back to see how far you’ve come. Progress can help motivate you to continue on a healthy path.

Consult your physician before you begin an exercise program to be sure it is safe. Remember, an active life can be good for your heart!  

Learn More About Heart Care At Northridge Hospital Medical Center

For more information about the Cardiovascular Center, please call (818) 885-8500. To find a physician, please call (818) 908-8677 oruse our search tool to Find a Doctor