Family Birth Center
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At Dignity Health we believe that you should experience childbirth in a way that meets your individual wants and needs. Our family-centered environment is well-known for its commitment to exceptional care of mothers and their newborns.
At our Family Birth Centers, moms experience labor, delivery and recovery all in the comfort of spacious, private rooms, each featuring sleeping accommodations for a spouse or partner.
Birthing Suites
Our Family Birth Center rooms are equipped with the latest technology needed to accommodate any birth and, should the need arise; cesarean birth suites are also available at each hospital.
- Chandler Regional Medical Center
- Mercy Gilbert Medical Center
- St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
- Yavapai Regional Medical Center
Schedule a tour of one of our Birth Centers, or register for birthing classes near you. Call (877) 728-5414
Our private birthing and postpartum suites include:
- Comfortable overnight accommodations for your support person
- Free Wi-Fi service throughout the hospital
- Interactive television systems featuring movies, games and Internet, as well as education about you and your baby
- Lactation and breastfeeding support—while at the Birthing Center and follow-up care after you go home at some locations
- Locked and secured unit —matching armbands for you, your baby and your support person.
- Quiet time for uninterrupted rest and bonding with your baby
Classes and Support Groups Pregnancy, Birth Preparation, and Parenting
We offer a number of classes to help expectant mom and their partners during pregnancy and beyond. Classes help answer questions about breastfeeding, how to balance family, work and finances, and more. View classes now at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, or Chandler Regional Medical Center.
High-Risk Pregnancy Care
If you have a high-risk pregnancy, Dignity Health doctors have the experience and technology you need. Chandler Regional and St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center have neonatal intensive care units to care for the tiniest and sickest babies.
Breastfeeding Support
One of the most important choices a new parent makes is how to feed their newborn. At Dignity Health in Arizona, our physicians, nurses and breastfeeding support specialists are here to help you make the best choice for you and your family.
Our approach to infant feeding is guided by compassion, research, real-world experiences and the infant's and family's unique needs. It’s designed to help all families thrive, supporting both breastfeeding families and those who make an informed choice not to breastfeed.