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From baby bump, to baby in your arms.

If you're having a baby, take a birth center tour to explore
our hospital, and say hello to our staff and nurses.

Your Comprehensive Birth Center in Santa Cruz

Dominican Hospital offers the most advanced care available in the Monterey Bay area, combined with the comforts of home. Our Birth Center provides a welcoming environment for families, advanced technology for new moms and babies, and a commitment to a positive birth experience for you.  For mothers and babies who may need some additional support, we offer 24/7 obstetric emergency care certified by the State of California right in our birth center. We also have a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit available. 

Download our maternity guide

Whether you are trying for your first child or hoping to expand your family, being pregnant comes with many questions. Our planning guide is your resource, answering common questions and offering information for each stage of pregnancy and beyond. It’s not meant to replace the advice of your personal physician but rather provides basic information to help you have the best experience possible. 

Blue Distinction Center®

Dominican Hospital is proud to be recognized by Blue Shield of California with a Blue Distinction® Centers (BDC) for Maternity Care designation, as part of the Blue Distinction Specialty Care program.

Blue Distinction Maternity Logos

Birth Center Video Tour

The Dominican Hospital Family Birth Center video tour offers a comprehensive preview of our facility. The tour provides a look at our private labor and delivery rooms, Level III NICU and helpful tips for before, during and after the big day.


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Live Virtual Childbirth and Parenting Classes

From pregnancy classes to parenting classes, we are here to provide the guidance and care you need. Dominican Hospital is proud to offer a number of virtual classes with live instruction to help women and their partners prepare for their newborn. Through our parenting classes and events, the labor and delivery teams at Dominican are helping new parents make the right decisions about their child’s health.  

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View our Childbirth and Parenting Classes

Online Pre-Registration

Dominican Hospital offers online pre-registration to all expecting mothers. When it's possible, our Birth Center staff recommends pre-registering since it streamlines the admission process on the day of arrival at the hospital.

Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Through a partnership with Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Dominican offers a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) staffed by Stanford neonatologists and NICU-certified nurses. Families can rest assured that if their newborn needs extra attention, Dominican offers the highest level of care available in the Monterey Bay area. 

What to Pack

The most important thing to bring is an approved infant car seat. During your hospital stay, Dominican Hospital offers free car seat check and installation so you can go home safely. You may also want to bring a going-home outfit for the baby and perhaps a receiving blanket for extra warmth. As a special gift, Dominican provides a newborn outfit. Dominican will provide whatever is needed for the baby during your hospital stay, i.e. diapers, t-shirts, blankets.

Dr. Joseph T. Anzalone Newborn Care Courtyard

The Dr. Joseph T. Anzalone Newborn Care Courtyard is named by the family of one of Santa Cruz’s highly regarded obstetricians. The peaceful setting allows new parents and their babies to enjoy fresh air and nature to help relieve feelings of stress and exhaustion and celebrate new births. Inspired by the redwoods of the Santa Cruz mountains, this healing courtyard will allow new parents and their babies to enjoy fresh air and nature, while reducing stress. According to scientific research, gazing at gardens reduces stress levels, the need for pain medication, and the length of hospital stays.

Dominican hospital birth center   Dominican hospital birth center

A Safe, Personalized Birth Experience

We believe in providing our moms and families with a warm, safe, and homelike environment, but you are never alone. We are here 24/7, gently supporting you every step of the way, empowering you to have the type of birth you desire. We encourage you to bring your birth plan and voice your wishes, so that we can work together to bring your baby into the world safely and comfortably.

  • Breastfeeding - One of the most important choices a new parent makes is how to feed their newborn. At Dignity Health, our physicians, nurses and breastfeeding support specialists are here to help you make the best choice for you and your family. Our approach to infant feeding is guided by compassion, research, real-world experiences and the infant's and family's unique needs. It’s designed to help all families thrive, supporting both breastfeeding families and those who make an informed choice not to breastfeed. Learn More
  • Midwifery Program – Midwives provide care for uncomplicated pregnancies and births. Many women choose midwives because they prefer a highly personalized approach to pregnancy, birth, and women's health care. Provided by Dignity Health Medical Group in Santa Cruz, our midwives are certified nurse midwives (CNM), registered nurses who have completed a midwifery program and passed a national certification exam.  Learn More

  • Natural Childbirth – Most people use the phrase natural childbirth to refer to the process of going through labor and birth without the use of pain medication or other medical interventions. There are a variety of reasons why a woman would choose to pursue a natural childbirth, and that choice is respected at Dominican Hospital. Learn More

  • Vaginal or Cesarean Birth – A vaginal birth is the usual, natural birth process, and babies are typically delivered vaginally unless your obstetric provider finds a medical reason for delivery by Cesarean section instead. A cesarean birth is surgery to deliver a baby through incisions in the mother’s abdomen and womb. At Dominican, a cesarean birth is considered when your doctor feels it is the safest delivery option for you, your baby, or both.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about when to come to the hospital, how to register for your stay, or other information about the Birth Center? 

Details & Directions

The Dominican Hospital Birth Center is located at 1555 Soquel Dr, Santa Cruz, CA.