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Vacation and Leave Policies

In the first year of postgraduate medical training, you may take a total of three weeks paid vacation. By the second or later year of postgraduate medical training, you may take a maximum of one additional week of paid leave for educational activities approved two months in advance by the Program Director. Vacation requests must be approved by the Program Director, three (3) months in advance. Residents PGY 2-4 should always notify their chief resident of planned vacation time off to avoid rotation conflicts. No unused vacation time will be carried over from any given year to a subsequent appointment year.

Sick Leave 

You may take up to a total of ninety-six hours of paid sick leave, subject to the requirement that you provide the Program Director with written documentation of illness if you require more than five consecutive eight-hour days of sick leave. No unused sick leave from any given year may be carried forward for use in subsequent years.

Medical Family Leave

If eligible for Family Medical Leave ("FMLA"), you are entitled to receive up to 12 weeks off during the term of this Agreement. You are eligible for FMLA if you have worked for a covered employer for at least one year, and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months. A leave may be granted for any of the following reasons:

  • Care for your child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care
  • Care for your spouse, child, domestic partner or parent who has a serious health condition
  • A serious health condition that makes you unable to perform your own job

You can use one week of vacation and are then entitled to an additional five weeks off with pay. Medical certification must be provided to the Program Director for pre-approval prior to FMLA.

Personal Leave 

If you take an approved personal Leave of Absence, you are not eligible for continuation of pay, but health benefits may be continued if you agree and arrange to pay COBRA premiums for health benefits.

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Restrictions on Leave 

Each program may provide individual sick leave and vacation times for the resident in accordance with overall institutional policy. However, one year of credit must include at least 46 weeks of full-time orthopaedic education. Vacation or leave time may not be accumulated to reduce the five-year requirement.