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Changing the World Together

Engaging our mission in the community, beyond our hospitals' walls

Community Health and Outreach

Our hospitals share a commitment to excellent care that spans decades. Through an investment in community health and outreach, the hospitals address priority health issues and extend a commitment of care to neighborhoods throughout the greater Sacramento region.

Our Collaborative Partnerships, Services and Programs

The mission-driven commitment of community health and outreach for the Sacramento services area includes hospital sponsored programs as well as regional partnership efforts and initiatives. Some examples of our collaborative partnerships, services and programs include: 

Partnerships and Programs

Community Health Improvement Grants

We can't change the world by ourselves. Partnering with others who share our vision and values is the only way to bring about real improvements in the healthcare system. Our Community Health Improvement Grants program is one way we are working with others to increase access to quality care. Organizations that receive grant funds from us are working to improve access to healthcare services for people in low-income and minority communities. Since 1991 Dignity Health has made 3,700 grant awards totaling $86 million.

Healthier Living Workshops

Are you dealing with an ongoing health condition? Are you taking care of someone with an ongoing health condition? Consider one of our six week Healthier Living Workshops.

Hospital Reports Addressing Community Health Needs

Our hospitals conduct needs assessments and create implementation strategies to identify and address significant community health needs. Our current reports and strategies are linked on this page.

Mercy Faith and Health Partnership

The Mercy Faith and Health Partnership, provides consultation, information, education, mentoring, and resources to faith communities in the greater Sacramento region.